
To another dog with that bone...

Everything was going well, before the scientific society of the fishing port in -Chimbote 'eager for any indication that leads them to have an immediate cure against the advance of the coronavirus'; By showing the videos of such an event on the Playa de la Isla Blanca, they were convinced of the almost "miraculous" effect of that fruit from the Alpins tree.

However, both DarkMan and Alondra added: two; But what, to get hold of a population of 1,148,634 inhabitants of the department of Áncash. How many Alpine trees are required to produce such a quantity of fruits? At least have enough to make representative samples; that lead to chemically elaborate an AntiCovid antidote.

These and other dilemmas typical of a laboratory worker, were in the reasoning of DarkMan ... Until what, Alondra's belly began to grow rapidly; it was seen a weekly development what should be a monthly growth.

This I believe, a bodily maladjustment that was noticed by the medical community, who warned of the danger to which a human and therefore humanity could supposedly be exposed.

A medico-scientific alert was issued which led to the arrest of DarkMan and the confiscation of his laboratory and all of his extensive research on the Alpins trees ...

But DarkMan was alerted, opportunely by nature, which was also interested in his research, managing to take him the adaptation research in the use of such Alpins fruit; for he certainly carried the advance in his own body, his blood was already a source of knowledge. Different case, but no less promising, that of his already beloved wife Alondra of his.

When they wanted to flee the country, they were arrested. Reaching a confidentiality agreement. They would hand over the results of their research and the exact place where these Alpins trees were grown for prompt extraction.

It was a deliberate action, but they had no other way to preserve their freedom.

Another was that one of the two had to stay so that he could continue with the laboratory tests ...

Refusing them. The government encouraged the scientific community to keep their children once they were born. So it was, a few months later: Alondra gave birth to two beautiful twin daughters.

And for them to be able to leave the country, they had to accept that condition. Of course for a period of time until they reached the age of majority, because daughters should have surrogate parents until then.

From now on, they would have different adoptive parents, to measure the degree of intelligence, adaptation to reality ...

18 years would be enough for adaptation tests, consider that their blood is already a great find for the scientific community, because it has great content of the Alpins legacy and why not say it of the Prays XHuman lineage.

Dr. DarkMan and his wife Alondra, traveled to Europe and took refuge in Eastern Europe; With the money that the government gave him in compensation for his research, they did business other than medical and laboratory careers.

They were forbidden for their safety to continue in that area to avoid reprisals or new conditions from the governments where they would reside.

DarkMan had to change his last names, as well as Alondra, and they lived under the auspices of the Latin American Government. And of course they had more children, they even adopted others.

As the story took a turn, let's say a little sad, it is the reality of such a great love. The greatest love is that sponsored by the Creator. If you are lucky enough to be chosen to own it, you will also have a mission to use it; to serve the Creator and that was what happened from now on.

Of course, to preserve the love of a couple, to the extent that it occurred between DarkMan and Alondra, it is necessary to understand the love of the Creator and this learning always involves sacrifices, limitations and even losses sometimes permanent, other times temporary.

This also meant a delay in Inter world connectivity. Well, on the one hand: being used and serving and connecting to others along the same lines.

And another is possessing 'human' power to want to align with the above; most of the time this ends in alignment.

Well, if the Creator wanted to use a Government, he would have already done it, but why doesn't it happen? It is because they are not in the capacity to receive such a great love that it is also pure and sublime.

The corruption in which governments are immersed prevents them from leading the very salvation of their nations.

The biggest problem, 'that all readers are already aware of in this whole case', is because of Firulais, the now famous RiverDog. It seems that this wise little dog unjustly ended up on the riverbanks.

In the abrupt search of all the properties of Dr. DarkMan a whole deployment of the military, the police and the intelligence service was made. Much noise: sirens, horns and bullets, among others. All this drove away the defenseless little animal.

Since then, he has wandered along the banks of the Lacramarca river, other times he is seen hanging around the Chim dock.

boat, with a fish in its mouth. He travels long distances every day ... his animal instinct helps him to stay that way, since he always sought to move to the White Island, since he sensed finding an answer to his own inquiries to cure diseases.

RiverDog or Firulais, has witnessed countless deaths from Covid, he usually follows the funeral floats and also visits the makeshift cemeteries, the location of all the common pools is known.

Certainly Riverdog, he knows where this or that relative of the entire population has been buried.

'To another dog with that bone'. It is the motto of Firulais, because he knows that man himself condemns or infects himself, he has been a dumb dog seeing all kinds of atrocities, but also at the time he has been of great help and hopes to be too.


One day a week he tries to try to enter the sea and begins his journey from the Malecón Graú and after 100 meters of swimming with little force on his feet, he begins his return; more than once he has been rescued in boats that were stealthily passing through the place.

People have called him a crazy dog, and they call him: Loco Firulais. Well, every fortnight he does the same, he barks along the Malecón Graú beach to the entrance of the boat dock, as a reminder that his master left from there ... and he never saw him again. In addition, that he intuits finding something that he needs in the area of ​​the Island.

If one day you are enjoying a ceviche or dish with fish and shellfish and even crayfish, although preferably sea crabs, offer: a little of your food to a stray dog ​​that approaches. It could be: the crazy Firulais. Well that's what he is looking for.

The Loco Firulais or the great RiverDog dog, knows that beings from overseas around the White Island and all the Islands of the World keep millenary secrets.

It is elementary, note that the sea is nourished by the rivers, whose descent and subsequent mouths bring with it mineral salts that the earth has. Virgin lands not yet contaminated or on the contrary already contaminated.

That the sea is filled with torrential rains overseas that clean the skies of mineral particles that come off the volcanoes of the same water evaporated from rivers, lakes and seas.