
Given the triple level of evolution, Vallemar is considered King Prays XHA

Dr. HealDevP, who had been transmigrated from a very young age to a Prays, over the years had evolved into an animal (a mixture of Linx Rufus and White-tailed Moose) his final phase is to be a Prays (vegetable) tree.

Conditions that allowed him to be on land, as well as on the seabed. His biological father used to call them Charly, but the Creator of the 7 Games, commissioned him with the name of Vallemar. And his adaptive living environment is between a swamp and a river.

Given the triple level of evolution, Vallemar is considered King Prays XHA.

In the arrest of his "adoptive" father DarkMan, he was not involved, as he was in another city; Upon returning, he mutates between being a human beggar on the beaches of Ciudad de Chimbote, in front of Plaza Graú. And be Dr. HealDevP.

In his research against the human scourge, that is, Covid, he has detected how to detect, control and reverse the disease. Here is his report to sage Prays.

—In a normal infection, IgG antibodies are produced. Therefore, if the Covid tests, made to humans during 2019, were spilled on the reefs of Farallón Island, waiting for a natural culture to be achieved to serve as an antidote. What was not expected is the African variant of Covid-20, which has strengthened! Discarding up to 50% of the effectiveness of the current Phase 3 vaccines. —Said King Vallemar.

"I understand Rey Vallemar," said the wise Prays, "and you are the only one in the interoceanic kingdom who can transmigrate to pro-human, because, in reality, your origin is human." Therefore, it is urgent to have the antidote to develop a vaccine. If you are infected, Rey Vallemar, this would be a harbinger of the extermination of humanity and therefore of all creation. "Adding, the situation of your peers on the reefs of the former Crab Kingdom."

"On the reefs of the former Crab Kingdom; he left 200,000 crabs on his own initiative, of which 100,000 are asymptomatic; They were infected with the Covid virus of human origin, but they continue their normal life with slight physical changes typical of the Covid disease, such as: high fever, flu, dizziness and disorientation and excessive fatigue.

The other 100,000 presented the symptoms immediately, the virus was sprayed on the reefs, although that same day 50,000 died, we still have another 50,000 that are between the UCI Grab and the Hospital Centers for the control of human diseases, centers that were implemented a priori, after the attack; These being the ones who urgently need your help, Dr. HealDevP, sorry, I say Rey Vallemar, "said the wise Prays. Consulting:

—You were saying, Rey Vallemar: in a normal infection, IgG antibodies are produced. How do we detect IgG antibodies in our species?

"IgG antibodies are found in the mucous membranes and in the saliva of humans," Rey Vallemar said.

"What is their function?" Sage Prays asked.

—They are in charge of avoiding contagion among the asymptomatic. The presence in the human body of IgG antibodies means having overcome the Covid disease. At least for a time. King Dalemar clarified.

—A meta-analysis of '… Infectious Diseases' concludes that the risk and clinical prognosis of COVID-19 are related to a low level of vitamin D. Therefore, if the Crab population has consumed Alpins supplies, they would be protected, but given those statistics: we see that no. At least 50% did not do it and therefore the immediate death. King Vallemar argued. And asking:

"I suppose, wise Prays that the Crab royalty, if they allowed the consumption of inputs from the Alpins tree."

"It is actually anecdotal," said the sage Prays, "the answer I will give you:

—It turns out that the Crab royalty, as you mention, the day that Dr. DarkMan and his wife Alondra 'had to be attended to, two humans who used the White Island to spend their Honeymoon', that same day they had a feast Crab based on the Alpins fruit, they even tried a couple of leaves that made royalty hallucinate for weeks: being in that trance that they saw the catastrophe that was coming, being able to put them to safety and they managed to take with them 'to the spoil of the poor tree Prays: bark, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits'. -Adding:

—No seeds were achieved due to three Orbit cycles remaining for the next moon phase. We hope that, in the artificial greenhouse that we have implemented, the flowers can bear an Alpins fruit, otherwise we have lost the only seed available. Unless another Prays XH is planted. —Proposing:

—We also hope for the miracle of nature, because if the Prays tree is resistant to the Covid-19 Virus, it could be used with the other strains or variants: Covid-20 and Covid-21. - Begging:

—We require this antidote as soon as possible to be able to approach the reefs and see that a natural result is obtained from this invasive experience but that at the same time it is being fruitful for our investigations: legal, medical and scientific. —Concluding:

"Practically Crab University has

renewed about 10 times its academic approach at the Crab master's level and another 3 times at the Crab Postgraduate level and another two times the PH-Crab.

—This is happening to everyone, the renewal of the academic profile is updated month by month for the man of science. —Said King Vallemar. Expanding on the topic of Vitamin D. 'Alpins Fruit Component'. Of which he said:

—Vitamin D, found in the Alpins fruit, primarily protects bone health, that is its importance in the immune system. There is evidence of improvement in T-cell function —As you know, Rey Vallemar said:

—The function of T cells, they protect against pathogens, they are the response to 'respiratory' inflammations in the event that some germ attacks our body. And on the subject of antibodies, communicate the need for a test to take into account:

—An immunoglobulin test is required to measure the concentration of antibodies in the blood, in the case of humans.

—The immune system: 'human and animal, I don't know if it's the same for plants' makes antibodies to protect the body from bacteria, viruses and allergens.

—Let's look at the types of antibodies, based on: Larissa Hirsch, MD

• Immunoglobulin A (IgA): found in the linings of the respiratory tract and digestive system, as well as in saliva, tears, and breast milk.

• Immunoglobulin G (IgG): is the most abundant type of antibody in the body. It is found in blood and other fluids, and it provides protection against bacterial and viral infections. IgG can take time to form after infection or vaccination.

• Immunoglobulin M (IgM): found mainly in blood and lymphatic fluid; This is the first antibody the body makes to fight a new infection.

• Immunoglobulin E (IgE): normally found in small amounts in the blood. It can be found in higher amounts when the body overreacts to allergens or when it is fighting an infection caused by a parasite.

• Immunoglobulin D (IgD): exists in small amounts in the blood and is the least known antibody.