
SARS-CoV-2 Report in the World.

SARS-CoV-2 Report in the World.

"I want a current report on the use of vaccines by humans," Sage Prays requested.

—To date 03/15/2021, 6 active vaccines have been reported, whose efficacy and phases are countries:

1.- Vaccine: M.

mRNA. 1. Efficiency: 94.1%. Phase 3. Countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Switzerland and the European Union.

2.- Vaccine: O-AZ.

Viral vector. Efficiency: 62%. Phase 3. Countries: United Kingdom, Argentina, India and Mexico.

3.- Vaccine: P-NT.

mRNA. 2. Efficiency: 95%. Phase 3. Countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jordan, Kuwait, Mexico, Panama and Singapore.

4.- Vaccine: S.

Inactive Virus. Efficiency: 79%. Phase 3. Countries: China, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan.

5.- Vaccine: J-J.

Viral vector. Efficiency: 66%. Phase 2. Countries: (… ​​without reports)

6.- Vaccine: G.

Viral vector. Efficiency: 91.4%. Phase 3. Countries: Biolorussia, Argentina, Algeria, Bolivia, Palestine and Serbia.

"And they have been considered to be classified into three levels," said King Vallemar, who as Alpha Leader and Agent XHA, could approach humans, inquire, read their reports, and report on their advances in medical technology:

(a) Level A: Viral Vector. From level 'A', there are three vaccines.

It is a harmless virus. Created to contain the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein.

(b) Level B: Inactive Virus. Of the 'B' level, there is only one vaccine.

It is the 'structural' virus of SARS-CoV-2 made inert.

(c) Level C: mRNA. At the 'C' level, there are two vaccines.

It is the messenger ribonucleic acid, responsible for transferring the genetic code from DNA.

"I must clarify," said Sage Prays, "that Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2." Let's see its symptoms:

Simulates the flu (… fever, cough, dyspnea, myalgia and fatigue; plus: pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis and septic shock)

His whole body; fur, skin, muscles, bones, nerves, tendons, organ, internal s ... it was sectioned, in such a way that each part of its body and internal organs would be for the production of Covid placebos, which would be applied to humans in their respective organs as long as they keep compatibility.

"Commander LayolFriend," said King KingWhiteM: "Let the Canine Teams: Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon be deployed, to the ground camp; today they will receive a chair of detention of the Covid and its variants in humans. —Specifying:

"The Alpha Leader, your enigmatic XHA Agent, King Vallemar, will train the teams."

—Today, you are here to be informed, trained and to acquire the competence to detect Covid in humans. He said, Vallemar, "adding:

—You must try to be adapted by a family on land and report in one day a week; From that point of concentration, you will summon new elements, in number of 100 and you will train them to report Covid incidents in your area. You have one month to achieve your goal.

—In the third week Agent XHA and Alpha Leader, your King Vallemar, will send you a batch of Ulva Lactuca, smeared with the Covid antidote, we will call this Phase PXH1. Encourage your to buy the product, by barking and approaching signs of orientation and choice.

—If after the consumption of seaweed: you or someone notices some improvement in humans, in your weekly report, you will indicate that you require Phase PXH2. For when the PXH3 Phase is necessary. We will have fulfilled our objective. And the humans will be safe. And therefore so do we. The Designated Agent must stay when applying the PXH3 Phase, at least one week to await reactions. Sage Prays indicated.

Phase 1, had the deployment of 16 XHA Agents, which would cover, if the case were, an urbanization or the average of 100 families, given that another 100 candidates for XTierra Agents must contact, within a month an army of 1,600 new points of support. That would represent covering 4,800 humans, considering a family made up of two parents and one child; but knowing the reality of family groups in Peru, the 1,600 new XTierra Agents would multiply by: 2, 3, 4 and even 5 humans.

A month has passed and Phase 1 with the activation of the 1,600 Agents XTierra is already bearing fruit. Vallemar with his work of transporting crabs in his outboard motor boat and obtaining resources in dollars continues its course.

To each personalized sale, he adds an Ulva Lactuca for each crab, the loyal buyers already demand the delivery of the sea lettuce; they feel better in their immune system. In many homes they already feel better about Covid.

The purchase of land to open the training of Agent Firulais, was extended to 4 training fields, so the Prays XHuman XAnimal Academy has different students for different objectives.

1.- Prays XHuman XAnimal Academy, on El Ferrol Island: XHAnimal Agents

2.- Academia Prays XHuman XAnimal, on El Farallón Island: Agents Crab.

3.- Prays XHuman XAnimal Academy, on the White Island: Prays XH Agents.

4.- Prays XHuman XAnimal Academy, covers the cities of Chimbote and Nuevo Chimbote, and is distributed between Cerro de la Paz, Pantanos de Villa María, Plaza Mayor and of course the Malecón Graú.

Two months have passed and Phase 2 with the activation of the 1,600 XTierra Agents, must begin, with the exception that they have to return to the canine XHA Agents, the females, must rest before the delivery that is approaching because the consumption of supplies Alpins accelerates the growth processes of the fetuses or neonates, the prognoses are quite favorable because a strict medical control is carried out both on the islands and on land.

Agent Vallemar now has a veterinary clinic purchased on the land where he attends the XHA Agents and the new XH Agents free of charge.

Only you see a young fisherman come in and then Dr. HealDevP appears in the clinic, with his new veterinary specialty.

Vallemar is now looking for direct human support, and has summoned two university students to do their internships as assistants in the office: Alondra and Nalexa.

Alondra and Nalexa. They are daughters of DarkMan and Alondra, the first to consume Alpins fruits and whose daughters Alondra and Nalexa, developed a pregnancy of only four and a half months.