
I would like to lose myself like this, without fear of tomorrow !?

It was a sunny morning, it was very busy serving the neighborhood clientele, suddenly she entered and seemed to darken the place with the glow of her figure as she passed the door. Kindly she asked for attention, Bierny admired by the sparkle in her eyes: "she walked dancing at the sound of her words."

—Hi, good morning, what's up…!

"What brings you here?"

"Isn't she from this place?"

"Is she coming to the port of Chimbote for tourism?"

"You see, I need a map of the city and a soda to go; Also a snack that is without spicy. Would you bring them to me please?

"And I'm not from around here; I am on a university exchange for a semester. And if my application is approved, I will stay for the entire Environmental Engineering career. I will do my thesis based on the needs of Chimbote Bay.

—Wait, I'll bring you your order ... (after a while)

—Tome, I hope you like what we offer you, please pay the amount at the cash register. Dad, please attend to the lady ...?

- Nalexa, it's my name ...

-And yours is?

—I'm Bierny, this is a family business, I learn at the university of life. (they both smile)

"Ha. Ha Ha I understand ... Can you help me with the bag?

—I was forgetting, two pencils with a fine point, which are red and blue.

"I'll bring them myself." Moment.

-Are here.

"And how much is it for them?"

-Nothing! "He said, Bierny_." It's a courtesy for college students, right dad? If not, spend on your child. Your son will provide support to illustrious students and the most beautiful, by the way: Like you?

-How charming? But I can't accept it.

"Excuse me, young lady, my son is always very attentive to students."

"Take it as an appreciation for his visit and come back whenever you like."

—Accepted Thank you!

"And you, miss, live around here."

"Sure! I'm at the dorm a few blocks from here."

"It will," Nalexa said. That I can only call to have the merchandise taken to cook from time to time, because I see that they have: Delivery!

-Of course. Bierny. Take the rest of the morning to accompany the lady, how did she say that her name was her? Nalexa?

-Yes. That is my name.

"Then, with the permission of my Lord Father, I can accompany you, Nalexa. We're leaving!"

-See you later.

-Come back soon…

-I will do that.

They walked towards the residence of the university students. First in mutual silence, as each one thought about what to say after all of the above; They were two young analysts of their realities, and from that first walk they did not want to fail but to commit more ...

And as always, she took the initiative to open the dialogue and broke it with an unexpected proposal ...

—Bierny. Is that your name?

"Yes," she said shyly: Bierny.

"What happened in the store you wooed me and now a parrot has eaten its tongue?"

"It's not that," she said, Bierny, "but rather, I don't want to be annoying with you, I'm a man of objectives and I must fulfill them.

"I like it when you say it like that, Bierny," Nalexa said.

"Then it seems to you if we change course." I would like to know the beach in front of the Malecón Graú. Can you take me?

-Not to mention more.

—You want to go in a taxi, bus or walking ...

"Ah !? How do you think we should go? Goal man!

—Well: How do I have the day off or the morning… we'll go walking. By the way I tell you the history of this city and you tell me about your city.

"Deal done, let's walk ...

"I suppose you have traveled by plane, from your country, or did you come by boat or on a beautiful cruise ...?"

"What do you guess?"

"Umm." She would travel (looking at her from head to toe) with that executive personality, by plane.

"No, you got it right."

"Did you come on a cruise ship?"

-Yes. My father is a merchant seaman and a cruise ship captain. He left me here and returned to his work of traveling the world. He can only come back every few years. So I'm going to need to make friends as soon as possible. I do not like to walk alone, less in an unknown city

"Would you, Bierny, be my friend?"

-Charmed! Princess: Nalexa, an honor to serve as your guide on land.

Upon reaching the Malecón Graú, the tourist scene had radically changed, people came closer, but not like before ... To breathe in the sea breeze and close your eyes to feel like a seagull flying or to think of being a fish, with wings and furrowing the waters, on the crests of the waves do pirouettes, until reaching the White Island and resting in its palm trees, nibbling one or another coconut ... and resuming the flight until landing on the highest mast of a fishing boat that returns from the high seas, bringing its succulent fishing, after being a sailor on land in search of good, gentle and uncompromising loves as in every port, as in all seas. Bierny was saying in his mind, facing Chimbote Bay.

"Hey!" Bierny, "Nalexa wailed at Bierny, waking him from his livid dreams of grandeur," Wake up!

"Ah!" It is the sea ...

"What is the sea going to be like?"

"You are the one who is lost. Who knows in what worldly thoughts?"

"Excuse me!"

"Next time he pulled your cheeks or I'll give you a bag, you embarrass me."


"What's up? Silly, I enjoyed looking at you like that

ecstatic, as if the world didn't matter to you ...

—I would like to lose myself like this, without fear of tomorrow !? Or what will they say?

"If you like, I'll show you ...

-You can? To have?

-Come closer.


"Closer, get in front of me."

"Extend your arms ...

"Now I will hold you by the waist."


-Close your eyes.

"Ready, left eye closed ...

"I said: both eyes."


"Now breathe in while I count to ten."

-… as hash (1)… as hash (10)

—Relax, imagine that you are a butterfly ...

-I can not…

-Why? What happened?

"A butterfly couldn't beat the sea winds and would fall flat on the rocks and break its wings and more." Do you want that to happen to me?

-Do not!?

"Then be more ingenious, and don't squeeze my waist so much with your hands!"

"Excuse me… that's fine."

-Yes. Keep going…

—You will be a seagull with blue eyes, and white feathers with gray stripes and you will fly: playing among the waves ...