The White Family

The mansion of the White Family is located in a sprawling one-hectare estate on Eastern Hill. A private place where wealthy and influential families and individuals brought prime lands to erect their grand mansion and live among the affluent personalities in the society.

The whole massive area was composed of four larger areas, namely the Eastern Hill, Western Hill, Southern Hill, and North Hill.

For fifty years, this massive complex property famously known as ~The Alcove Empire Estate ~ housed the elites, cream de la cream, and the untouchables of the society.

Peter is a 25 years old handsome young man and a business management graduate. He is the youngest son of the White Family, he has three older siblings... Oliver, Mark, and Andrew.

He was the son of his womanizing businessman father to a housemaid that was vanished from the White Family mansion after giving birth to him.

He grew up thinking that his housemaid mother abandoned him willingly - his father and his stepmother told him so, but he thinks otherwise.

Valeria and Thomas believed that kicking out Peter's mother, Paulina, is the best thing they can do to help preserve the integrity of the family despite the maid's pleading for mercy wanting to take care of her son for free, all that she cared about is to raise her son until he turns five years old and then disappears from his life completely.

Thomas was about to agree to Paulina's request but Valeria insisted that if the maid remained in the mansion for another day, she will kill herself.

Thomas had no choice but ordered the guard to escort Paulina outside the gate of the Eastern Hill along with her meager belongings and six months' salary.

Paulina was never allowed to set foot on the property again, she was blacklisted from entering the four hills of The Alcove Empire Estate ever again.

Although Peter was just a mere son of a housemaid and his father, his older brothers were very fond of him, a huge difference compared to his stepmother's cold treatment of him.

He grew up longing for the presence of his missing mother - a deep yearning that leaves a huge void in his growing up years till his adult life.

Valeria nurtured a deep-rooted hatred towards her husband for deliberately cheating on her with their housemaid inside their marital home. She was humiliated beyond she could ever imagine, so she demanded that her husband should make a will that only their three sons can inherit their family business and if he refused - she will kill herself in front of their children.

Afraid that his wife will commit suicide, Thomas instructed their family lawyer to prepare the will of testament stating that after he passed away only his three sons with Valeria can inherit his business empires.

After the will was completed, Valeria's troubled mind was finally laid to rest. Although she allowed her husband's bastard son to live with them in their mansion out of pity, she can't allow him to inherit the family business.

Thomas was feeling guilty that his youngest son got nothing... so he secretly built an industrial store from scratch, and after Peter graduated from his business management course, he entrusted the store's management to his son with a condition.

But nothing can be left hidden for a long time from Valeria. She confronted her husband about it. She stormed into her husband's study room.

"Honey, why the hell did you give Peter an industrial store!?" she confronted him, her nostrils flaring in anger.

Thomas released a deep sigh. "Here we go again! Can you please stop telling me what to do! Peter is my son, you excluded him from inheriting my business, now you want me to just leave my son without anything? What kind of father am I?"

Valeria snorted. "Is it not enough that we give him a good place to stay? We give him a good education, with that education he can find work anywhere! That's enough already!" she replied haughtily.

"Honey, common! Are you still hating me, blaming me for what happened to me and Paulina a long time ago? For God's sake get over it already!" he yelled at his wife in frustration.

"Give the store to Andrew instead! Peter is not deserving of anything, we are already very generous to him through the years!" she demanded.

Thomas was shaking his head in annoyance, until now his wife still refused to forgive him for impregnating one of their housemaids a long time ago. "Peter is also my son, he deserved my help! And for your information I told him that he needs to pay me back every penny that I invested in the store, this is to give him a challenge not to bankrupt the store and try his best to prove to me that he is deserving of my trust. I didn't give him the store for free. The success of the business depends entirely on his effort. I merely planted the seed money, it's up to him how he can grow the store without any further help and guidance from me. So please...give me a break! It's the least I can do for my son!" he explained everything to his wife in a pleading voice.

Valeria digested her husband's words slowly... still her mind and heart refused to cooperate and support her husband's good intention towards his son with the maid.

Thomas studied his wife's annoying face, based on the expression he saw on her face she will still insist on taking the store back. Before her wife can blackmail him again with death threats, he storms out of the study room without saying anything.

"I don't care!" Valeria shouted. "Wait... Where are you going!? Come back here!" she yelled in anger. She was fuming mad that her husband left her alone in the room. She finds it rude!

She exited the study room and went to her garden to comfort herself.

Meanwhile, in the living room of the mansion.

The three boys were talking to each other when they saw their father passing the living room wearing a dark expression on his face.

"Father, why are you scowling?" Oliver asked.

"What's wrong, Father?" Mark said.

Thomas breathed deeply. "Your mother knew about the industrial store that I give to Peter, she got angry about it. She wants me to take the store back and give it to Andrew instead!" he answered morosely.

Andrew sighed. "Father, don't worry about mother. We will do something about it," he said and looked at his brothers.

Oliver and Mark got the cue.

"We will try to find a way how to convince, mother, to let go of the store." Oliver, the oldest brother of the four siblings said.

"Yes, Father, leave this matter to us." Mark, the second son assured him.

Thomas looked at his children's reassuring faces and shakes his head. "I tried to be patient with your mother but she's getting worst! I can no longer take it!" he said frustratingly. "I'm going upstairs to drink my favorite wine..." he said and went his way.

Andrew looked at his brothers. "Guys, let's try our combined effort to beg, mother, to let go of the store! Maybe it will work!" he suggested.

"What do you have in mind?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Bring it on, bro!" said Mark eager to know what his sibling has in mind to pacify their mother's wrath.

"By the way, where is Peter?" Arthur asked.

"He's in his store day in and day out. Father gives him a five-year challenge that he needs to pay back every penny that was invested in the store within the next five years before the complete ownership of the store can be transferred to his name. That's why the poor lad is working hard, seven days a week, and sleep late at night and wake up early in the morning to go to work and manage the store. That is how hardworking Peter is nowadays," Oliver said.

Mark sighed. "I just can't believe that our mother excluded our youngest brother from the family inheritance. While we are earning money without exerting much effort because of the people working under us, on the other hand, Peter is working his ass off!" he said shaking his head sadly.

"Yeah, I know. I pity our brother's sad flight but he impressed me the most because he's completely happy to be given an industrial store that he needs to work hard to pay in the next five years without complaint! If our father gives that condition to me I would protest all day and all night until father will give the store's complete ownership to me without paying him a single dime!" Arthur smiled.

Oliver shook his head. "Poor Peter!"

Mark looked at Arthur. "Tell us what to do, bro!" he urged him.

"Here's what we're going to do..." Arthur said and whispered his plan to his siblings' ears.

Mark and Oliver listened attentively to their brother's suggestion.

A few minutes later, the three brothers left the living room.

Meanwhile, in the garden.

Valeria was inside the gazebo, relaxing, admiring her blooming garden dotted with colorful flowers everywhere. She was still fuming inwardly recalling that her husband left her inside the study room and ignored her demands.

"Stupid husband!" she said aloud.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her three children coming her way. She smiled brightly at them.

Oliver reached the gazebo first and entered inside. He placed the tray on the table. "Mother, I brought you your favorite red velvet cake and your favorite cranberry juice!" he said. "Enjoy your snack, Mother dearest!"

Valeria smiled broadly. "Thank you, son!" she said.

Mark stationed himself behind her mother and began massaging on her back. "Do you like my massage, Mother?" he asked.

"Yes, I like it very much, son!" she beamed. She began eating the red velvet cake while Mark gave her a heavenly massage on her back.

Arthur grabbed a chair and sat in front of her mother, seriously looking at her face.

Valeria looked at her son. "What is it, son?" she asked.

Arthur took a deep breath. "Mother, why is father angry again? Are you two quarreling again?" he asked.

Valeria pouted. "Your father is giving Peter an industrial store, he doesn't deserve it! Instead, I asked your father to give the store to you!" she said.

Arthur sighed deeply. "Mother, I don't like owning a store like that! That's not my type of business, and worst, I have to pay my father five years before I can have total ownership of the store! I don't like that condition! I don't have that much patience to deal with that shit! There's too much hard work involved on it!" he objected.

Valeria looked at her oldest son. "How about you, Oliver? I will give it to you..."

Oliver shook her head. "Huh? Me? Why would I want a store that is already five years in debt? I'm not that stupid! I have a good position in our family business, it's more than enough for me. I don't like owning a new struggling store and have to pay my father five years? Hell no!" he replied vehemently.

Valeria looked at Mark. "How about you, son? Do you like the construction company? I will ask your father to give it to you," she offered.

Mark shook his head. "Mother, my plate is already full with my job in our family business. I don't like adding more," he said and paused for a moment and continue. "Please take pity on our youngest brother. He has no inheritance, to begin with. He has to work hard to pay the store's seed money for five years. That's not an easy fate to achieve. Please give Peter a break, let him manage the company in peace, and prove his worth," he pleaded on behalf of their youngest brother.

Valeria sighed. No one among his sons wants to own the industrial store...instead... they ganged up on her and begged her to stop pressuring her husband, and leave Peter and the store alone.

"Mother, please let go of this topic...don't argue with father anymore. Give him a break!" Oliver pleaded.

"Yes, Mother. Please listen to us..!" Mark seconded.

"Listen to my older brothers' request, Mother! Please!" Arthur chimed in earnestly.

Valeria rolled her eyes. She doesn't like Peter, but when it comes to her children, it can't be denied that they are fond of their youngest brother, which infuriated her even more. But now that her beloved boys intervened on behalf of the bastard son that she despised so much, she can't say no to them.

"Okay... fine...from now on I will no longer give a damn about that store! Your father and your brother can do anything they wish with that store. I don't care anymore!" she finally yielded to their begging.

The men's faces brightened up instantly. Huge relief washed over them after their mother listened to their request. They were super delighted with the result of their begging, they finally persuaded their mother to let go of the store!

"Thank you, Mother, for listening to us!" Oliver said and planted a kiss on his mother's head.

Mark and Arthur followed suit. Their mother love it when they showered her with affection once in a while.

The boys stayed in the garden for the next hour keeping their mother company and making her happy, it's their way of thanking her.

After the boys left the garden, an evil plan appeared in Valeria's mind.

Alright! Since the boys intervened on Peter's behalf, she will let go of the store for a while. But not for long... she can always hire someone to burn down the industrial store to smithereens. She wants to see how will Peter and her husband feels after the store was burned down to ashes.

Let Peter work hard in the in and day out...then one day...BAAAAM!

The industrial store will explode like fireworks in the sky!

She can't wait for that day to come!

Valeria beamed like a wicked demoness.


One year later.

Peter was supervising his five-man team inside the store. He and the other employee were managing the invoicing and accepting customer calls for bulk orders, price inquiries, and deliveries. While the others have to entertain walk-in customers, answer all inquires, and hands their orders.

The store has two guards on duty, guarding the store during night and day.

Peter is the one who deposits the money in the bank every day because he was issuing checks to the supplier on regular basis and manages the ledger of the account book. He works harder than his employees. It's kind of a tiring job, but at the same time challenging and satisfying. He doesn't mind that the store has not much money left after paying the suppliers, the employees salary as well as paying the bills for store maintenance, such as electric, water, and others... and sometimes the only thing left is a few hundred dollars enough for his one-month food supply.

The biggest expense he had in the store is allocating 30% of the monthly profits to his father. If he will continue paying his father at this rate, he might finished paying the debt in five years and the ownership of the store can finally be transferred to his name.

Currently, he has only one delivery truck, one driver, and one laborer. But soon the business will pick up and they will get busier he has to hire another laborer to speed up the delivery process. His five-man team inside the store is sufficient enough.

His industrial store sells all kinds of hardware stuff such as electrical, refrigeration, facility maintenance, plumbing, industrial supplies & equipment, machines, and construction supplies.

Different suppliers delivered merchandise once a week.

Aside from the 200 square meter store, it also had a warehouse at the back. And a small 120 square foot 2-story building for his living accommodation with small space for a living room, two bedrooms, and three bathrooms, and a kitchenette. The store was situated in a half-hectare space already owned by Peter's father. The rest of the space was made into a parking lot for customers' vehicles.

The industrial store is open from Monday to Saturday.

Peter's father owned one of the biggest construction companies in the entire country with branches located all over the major cities in the country.


One Sunday afternoon, he was sitting on the chair, relaxing with the guard near the gate while sipping a cup of hot coffee.

A few minutes later.

Three cars arrived outside the gate.

Peter wore a bright smile on his face. The gang is here!

The guard opened the gate and let the luxury cars entered the lawn.

Thomas and Oliver exited the Black Bentley, while Mark and Arthur exited their Lamborghini.

Oliver grabbed the two shopping bags containing marinated chicken and pork meat from the trunk of the car that he bought from the supermarket.

While Arthur and Mark helped their brother and grabbed the two cases of Stag and Budweiser beer from the trunk of Oliver's car.

The guard went to the house a few meters away to get plates, knives, and other utensils for a barbecue session and of course the electric gill.

Thomas addressed his youngest offspring. "How's the business going, son?" he asked, roaming his eyes around the area.

"Going great so far, Dad!" Peter answered.

"Good!" Thomas replied.

After the guard returned with the kitchen utensils, he placed the electric grill on the table and began preparing the meat which is already marinated, and arranged them in the electric grill after its temperature was already heated, ready for cooking.

Thomas and his children engaged in a lively chat session discussing what's new about the business world.

Thirty minutes later.

The guard began serving the barbecue meat to the guest and they began eating along with the cold beers.

Oliver looked at his youngest brother. "How are you doing here, bro?"

Peter smiled. "So far so good!" he replied.

Arthur grinned. "Aren't you planning to go back to our mansion in the Eastern Hill?" he asked.

Peter shook his head. "Nah, the travel from here to there is quite long, it takes two hours. It's convenient for me to stay here, no need to travel back and forth. I'm the one opening the store and I'm also the one closing the store at night. I can rest early after work than waste four hours traveling daily," he explained.

Arthur nods his head. "I got your point, bro! Don't worry since you are very much busy with your business. We will just visit you here from time to time," he said.

Peter smiled. "Thanks, brothers, thanks, Dad...I appreciated your visit very much," he said feeling lucky that he got the support and love of his father and his brothers even if his stepmother hated him so much.

Thomas got up from the chair and entered the house to use the toilet.

When his father was already out of reach, Mark addressed their youngest brother. "Bro, if you are cash strapped and having difficulty paying bills, just give us a call, we will give you extra money. Just don't tell father about it, it's just a secret between you and us," he said.

Peter looked at his brother's faces, tears glistened in his eyes. He was thankful that he had brothers to turn to for help just in case his situation turns to worst. But he has to make it on his own no matter how hard, he wants to prove to himself that he can stand on his two feet without depending on his brothers' help. They are always willing to help him anytime if he asked them to.

Thomas returned to the gatherings and they start chatting noisily again.

Two hours later.

Another car arrived.

Everyone looked at the car in shock.

"Mother is here! Why she's here?" Oliver asked.

Thomas took a deep breath and ordered the guard to open the gate.

Valeria's car entered the lawn, she parked her car near Oliver's car. She exited the vehicle and approached the gathering, she lowered herself on the chair beside her husband. "Hello, guys! I'm here to join you because it's family day and I want to spend my time with my precious children and my husband," she said smiling graciously at everyone.

The men looked at each other feeling uneasy. It's the first time she visited the store.

Valeria noticed their discomfort with her presence. "What's wrong? I'm not here to cause a ruckus, go on, continue drinking, and having fun with each other. Don't mind me," she urged them.

Thomas placed a disposable plate on the table in front of his wife and put few slices of grilled barbecue meat as well, then give her one bottle of Stag Beer. "Enjoy the barbecue, hon!" he said.

Valeria smiled and raised her bottle. "Cheers!"

The men raised their bottles and replied... "Cheers!"

Valeria looked at Peter. "How's the business going on, Peter?" she asked in a gentle voice.

Peter smiled a bit. "Going great so far, Mother. Thank you for asking," he replied.

Valeria smiled. "Good! I'm happy for you. I wish you more success with your business in the coming months to come. If you need some financial assistance... I am willing to invest my money in you so that your business will flourish even more," she offered kindly.

Thomas and the boys looked at their mother in shock. It's the first time their mother offered help to Peter openly. It's a miracle!

"Thank you, Mother, for offering your help. Very much appreciated by me," Peter said, he was beyond shocked. Feelings of happiness swelled in his heart because after all these years he never expected that this day will come that his stepmother will finally accept him as part of the family.

Thomas smiled brightly and planted a kiss on his wife's forehead. "Thank you, hon!" he said, feeling relieved and happy.

Valeria smiled politely for the men's benefit. Deep inside, another plan is brewing in her mind. Hmph! Let the bastard son of the housemaid, Peter, enjoy his life for now.