The Maid's Daughter

Donna went downstairs and saw the bastard child sitting on the couch sporting a worried expression on her face. Beside her are two traveling bags containing her meager belongings. All the clothes inside that bags are hands out of her two daughters.

Her husband never complained about her unjust treatment of his illegitimate child with the housemaid, all he asked from her is to refrain from hurting the child physically because after all, she is innocent, it's her mother who sinned against her... not the child itself.

She kept her husband's warning in her heart and mind, even though there are times that her hands were itching to hurt, slap and inflict physical pain to the maid's daughter just to feel sated.

Since she can't inflict physical pain on the child, she bombarded her with hurtful and insulting words daily. She feels happy if the girl starts crying, and trembling in fear. She loves torturing her mentally and psychologically, it gives her so much satisfaction and a euphoric high. Every time she does that to Helen - she feels like she already punished that shameless maid who seduced her husband.

The daughter has to suffer and atone for her mother's sin.

Helen grew up terrified of her.

But she no longer wants to subject herself to repetitive negativity every day and being reminded of her husband and the maids cheating. Thanks to her best friend Valeria, she can finally get rid of the maid's daughter, whose presence emotionally and mentally tortured her daily.

In a way that she also freed the poor girl from her evil grasp. Originally, she wasn't this cruel but after discovering her husband's cheating and betrayal of her favorite housemaid she went berserk and become a changed woman overnight.

At this point in her life, she's tired of getting angry all the time, she wants peace and freedom from the negativity that surrounded her and Helen through the years.

It's now time to free themselves from this vicious cycle.

By getting rid of Helen she is ready to forget the dark past, with no one to reminds her of the pain every day, she can finally heal the wounds in her heart.

She settled on the couch facing the terrified girl. She took a deep breath. "Helen...are you mad at me for sending you away? For arranging you to a loveless marriage?" she asked.

Helen released a deep sigh. "I understood your intention, Mother. I don't hate you at all. Thanks for raising me. I will never forget your kindness to me," she said in a trembling voice.

Donna sighed. "Don't hate me for doing this..." she said and paused for a moment. "I'm ready now to let go of the past. I won't be able to forget the past if I keep seeing your presence here inside my house. You always reminded me of what your mother and your father had done to me in the past. It's so damn painful! You understood very well where my hate comes from. From now on, you will be free from my insults and hurtful words. Enjoy your new life... and I wish you had a happy married life with your husband. We will see each other again on the day of your wedding," she said with a bit of kindness and gentleness flashing in her eyes. She rose to her feet. "Let's go!" she said.

"Thank you, Mother," Helen said sadly.

Donna left the living room heading towards the door.

The driver entered the living room and picked up the traveling bags and deposited them in the trunk of the car waiting outside.

Helen roamed her eyes around the living room and saw the cook and housemaids in the corner looking sadly at her. She smiled and waved at them, the maids waved back at her.

She turned around, fighting her tears from spilling into her cheeks, and walked towards the door. She entered the waiting vehicle and looked at the mansion gloomily for the last time.

She was not able to say goodbye to her father and her two sisters. But they will eventually see each other on the wedding day.

The driver starts the engine and steered the vehicle towards the gate

While the car was moving forward... Helen glanced at the mansion for the last time, it has been her home ever since she was a baby. The silhouette of the mansion was quickly fading away from her eyes as they were now exiting the Western Hill...and finally out of The Alcove Empire Estate... going into her uncertain future.

Donna told the driver to stop the car before reaching the intersection road, the driver obeyed. There's another car waiting nearby. She lowered the window. She waved at the vehicle of her best friend.

Valeria lowered the window of her car and signaled her friend to follow her car.

Donna nodded her head in understanding. "Start the engine...just follow that car... it will bring us to our destination," she told the driver.

"Yes, Madam!" the driver replied and started the engine, trailing the car in front of them.

Helen's brows knitted together. That woman who is driving the vehicle in front of them looks familiar to her. That woman already visited their mansion a dozen times. Ah, she remembered her now, it's her stepmother's best friend!

Through the years, every time there is a family party, that woman arrived at their home accompanied by her husband and her four sons. She didn't pay much attention to the boys.

Helen fixed her attention on the vehicle in front of them, wondering why her stepmother's best friend was accompanying them on their journey towards her husband's home. She sighed inwardly.

Hours went by.


It was a busy day for Peter inside his industrial store. Two of his staff didn't report to work today, so many walk-in customers to assist and phone calls to answer.

A few minutes later.

The guard informed him of his stepmother's sudden arrival at the compound. "Sir... your mother is waiting outside. Should I bring her here inside the store?"

Peter sighed deeply, his brows furrowed. What is his stepmother doing here? At this busy hour? Hmm... something is up!

Then his mind recalled something...


'Could it be that the reason why she's here is because of that arranged marriage thingy that she mentioned during the family dinner?' he thought wryly. His brother, Arthur, already informed him about that issue a while ago.

"Alright, I'll go and see her," he replied. He exited the store and went to the parking area.

He saw two cars parked outside. He knew the other car belongs to Donna, her stepmother's best friend. Huh? Why she's here? It puzzled him deeply. Her presence only added to the mounting confusion in his mind.

He approached her stepmother's car.

Valeria exited the vehicle.

"Good afternoon, Mother!" Peter conveyed his greeting cheerfully.

Valeria looked at his stepson, smirking. "I'm sure one of your brothers already informed you about the arranged marriage that I prepared for you. Am I right?" she said.

Peter sighed and nodded his head. "Yes, I'm aware of it, Mother," he confirmed. "Are you here to discuss that topic with me?" he asked calmly trying hard no to lose his temper.

"No and yes... I mean... I'm here to inform you that you can't say no to this arranged marriage because the woman that I have chosen to be your wife is the youngest daughter of my best friend! You can't say no, because the girl will be humiliated, and you don't want me to feel upset about the whole thing, right?" Valeria glared at him.

Peter is now ready to explode in frustration due to his stepmother's irritating intrusion in his life. Sad to say, he can't afford to yell at her in front of other people. He breathed deeply, calming the rage that was burning deep inside him. It's not the right time yet to lose control. "Mother, can we talk about these things some other time? I will come home tomorrow to discuss this thing with you. Just so you know... I'm not ready yet to get married!" he said firmly.

Valeria smiled broadly. "Well...too late for that! I already bring your bride home!" she said and walked towards her best friend's car.

"What the hell is going on!?" Peter's eyes widened in shock after hearing his stepmother's outrageous claim.

Donna's driver went to the car's compartment and grabbed the traveling bags, and placed them on the ground beside Peter.

"Sir, these are all your wife's belongings," the guard said and turned around, going back to the car.

"Damn!" Peter gritted his teeth in anger, his nostrils flaring.

Helen exited the car wearing a dark-colored sunglass covering her eyes. She looked both at Valeria and Peter.

Valeria holds Helen's hand, directed her towards Peter, and began the introduction. "Son, this is your wife, Helen. From now on, you will be the one to take care of her. The church wedding will follow soon after I finish the preparation. So, for the time being, enjoy each other's company!" she said casually.

Peter was stunned and dumbfounded while staring at his bride-to-be, wearing a sunglass standing in front of him. He didn't expect that this day will come, that his wicked stepmother will do the unthinkable and deliver his bride to his doorstep without his permission!

The arranged marriage that he didn't approve of in the first place is finally happening like a nightmare, unfolding in his eyes in broad daylight!

This is pure madness!

He raked his hands through his hair in frustration.

Peter and Helen stared at each other for a long time.

A few minutes later.

Peter stared in horror after watching the two cars speeding out of the gate! The two wicked stepmothers just left the poor Helen on his doorsteps like an abandoned puppy! Wow! Just wow!


These women's actions today are sickening!

Dumping Helen just like that? Must be gut-wrenching for her. Peter sympathizes with Helen's unfortunate flight for a few seconds.

He was pacing back and forth in front of the visibly shaken Helen. She was rooted on the spot like a statue.

Then he finally addressed her. "Your name is Helen, right?"

"Yes, husband," she replied rather too sweetly. She took off her sunglass and looked at him straight into his soul.


After seeing her beautiful face and hearing her sweet voice calling him husband, Peter's heart somersaulted inside his rib cage. Oh, my...gosh...he...he can't describe what he felt at the moment!

They stared at each other's eyes for like eternity.

A few seconds later.

The guard approached the couple and coughed a little to alert them of his presence. "Sir, would you like me to bring Miss Helen's bags inside the house?"

Peter sighed heavily and tore his eyes away from Helen's beautiful face. He was staring right into the eyes of an irresistible temptation! He groaned in despair. 'Sweet Jesus! What wrong have I done in my previous life that you punish me heavily today?' he lamented inwardly. He looked at the guard. "Nah, it's okay, I'll bring her bags into the house myself," he said and picked up the bags, then he addressed Helen calmly. "Follow me..."

Helen followed Peter silently towards the two-story house located a few meters away from the parking lot.

The guard was shaking his head in amazement after seeing his employer's vexed reaction earlier. He thought the bomb would explode. Everything happened suddenly! His single employer finally got a bride!

The bride is beautiful! His Boss might have a change of heart after the smokes settle down. He watched the lovely couple disappeared inside the house. "Boss is a lucky guy!" he gushes, sporting a broad grin on his face.

Unknown to him...

Peter's mind was going berserk due to these unexpected developments in his life. He's determined to kick Helen out of his house tomorrow!
