Extra Service

Helen blushed with his weird queries. "What kind of question is that!?"

"Because it's related to the jobs you mentioned," Peter answered and continue. "The Cherokee Bar offers topless models dancers while men ogled at them all night long. Sometimes the customers grabbed the waitress's bottoms and other private body parts without consent. You will only be molested daily there especially that you are so naive. As for the massage therapist, most massage parlor in this area offered extra services..."

Helen's forehead creased. "What kind of extra services?"

"In the massage parlor there's an extra service called happy ending..." he said.

A line appeared between her brows. "What is a Happy ending?"

Peter released a deep sigh due to her gullibility. "The male customers will request an extra service where you have to give them a blow job and that is where the big tip comes in," he said.

"What the heck is a blow job?" she asked innocently.

His eyes widened. "What-? A 23 years old woman like you doesn't know anything about a blow job?" he asked.

Helen sighed. "Why would I ask you if I already know? Just tell me straight to the point, please?" she asked eagerly wanting to know the meaning of the two words.

Peter groaned. "Alright, listen carefully... the meaning of blow job is when you give pleasure to your male customer by inserting their private organ the one dangling between their legs into your mouth and sucking them, licking them until the men convulsed in pleasure and ecstasy," he explained.

Helen's eyes widened in shock as her brows snapped together in embarrassment. "What the hell!" she exclaimed. "But it's just a simple massage parlor," she said after a while. Then she remembered that the guard mentioned extra service.

"Was Heavenly Massage Parlor the name of the massage establishment?" he asked.

"Yes! That's the name..." she replied. "Have you been there?"

"No," he answered, shaking his head. "But several of my male employees have visited that parlor once in a while and they obtain extra service from the massage girls there, that's why I know because they told me, they experienced it themselves and I don't want the time to come that one of my workers will boast to me one day that they got a hot blow job from you! Do you understand me?" he glared at her.

Helen's mouth twitched in amusement and sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll just become a waitress in the seafood restaurant then," she finally said.

"Good! That's a decent and safe job compared to the ones in the massage parlor and the nightclub," he commented, liking her choice. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Nothing so far..." she replied.

"Are you going to go for another round of job hunting again tomorrow?"


He handed her some money bills. "Can you please go to the grocery store and buy whatever lacking in this house, then also buy ready-made food for us," he said.

"OK, sure!" Helen accepted the paper bills and put them in the pocket of her pants.

"I'm going to rest in my room." Peter stood up and walked towards the stairs.

Helen watched Peter climbed the stairs and smiled, he cares for her! And she's kind of liking it!

She rose to her feet and tidied up the table and the kitchen.

After she finished her chores on the ground floor, she finally went upstairs and entered her room. She opened the windows allowing fresh air to come inside, then she went to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth in the bathroom, she went to bed wanting to relax.

She stared at the ceiling of her room wondering what Peter is doing inside his room right now? Was he sleeping already or just resting?

Then her mind drifted to her job hunting. She will wait for the call or text from the seafood restaurant tomorrow. If the bakery, massage parlor, and nightclub will ask her for an interview she will decline them. Just in case the seafood restaurant will decline her application then she will go on job hunting again.

But she hopes that she got accepted there so that she can start working and earn her own money as soon as possible. Peter is kind enough to accommodate her and give her money for food, but she can't depend entirely on him, especially that he is a cash-strapped businessman and still trying to pay his father when it comes to the store's seed money.

Her mind wandered to her stepmother, her father, and her sisters in the Miller Mansion. But she got nothing to worry about them, they are rich. She has to think about herself and how to survive the world outside the mansion now that she only has herself to depend on.

It's a good feeling that she's no longer the recipient of her stepmother's glare and sour mood every day. Here at Peter's house, she was treated with kindness and respect, no one glares and belittles her anymore. It's a super nice feeling!

She's finally free from her stepmother's grasp!

She smiled brightly, feeling happy with her newfound freedom.

She rose from the bed and prepared the clothes for tomorrow's laundry. She saw a washing machine at the back of the house and saw some of Peter's clothes hanging in there the other day. She will offer to wash his clothes tomorrow for him.


Inside Peter's room, he was lying in his bed gazing at the window of his room.

Then his gaze landed on the wall, behind that wall is Helen inside her room. What she's doing right now? Was she sleeping now?

He rose to his feet and walked towards the wall, then he knocked on it three times and smiled.

Inside Helen's room.

She heard the knocking on the wall and smiled. What Peter is thinking?

She walked towards the wall and repeated his actions by knocking on the wall three times as her response to him.

He replied with one knock and nothing follows.

Helen did the same and went back to bed wearing a smile of amusement on her lips.

Then she was thinking...does he wants to talk to her?

There is only one way to find out. She exited her room and knocked on his door.

A minute later the door opened, Peter looked at her.

She gave him a questioning glance. "Do you need something from me?"

Peter smiled, she means the knocking on the wall. "No. Regarding the knock - I'm just teasing you," he said.

Helen's eyes twinkled. She looked over his shoulder.

"Do you want to see my room? I already cleaned it just in case you come here," he offered.

"May I?" she asked.

"Sure!" Peter opened the door wide for her to enter.

Helen entered Peter's room. It looks tidy.

She went to the open window. "What's the scenery to see in there?" she asked. When she looked down below, she saw the next property, which has a swimming pool in their yard. She saw several ladies wearing a skimpy bathing suit and men in their swimming trunks frolicking in the pool, having fun.

She looked at him. "You watched them?"

Peter smiled. "No, I'm so tired of working in the store all day long that watching them is the last thing I have in mind when I enter my room," he said. "Besides, they don't always do that every day, only when there is an occasion," he replied.

"Ah, okay..." she said. She looked at the table and saw several DVDs in there. She went to it and inspected the movies... there are horrors, sci-fi, actions, thrillers, and adventures, but no romance.

"Do you like to watch a movie with me? For just one hour and thirty minutes?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure!" she replied. She can't say no to his simple request.

"Pick the movie you like," he said.

Helen picked up the horror movie titled~ Mystery Behind The X Island.

"Is this good?" she asked him and handed the DVD to him.

"I haven't watched it. I have no time yet. Let's watch it together!" he said.

"Okay," she replied and walked towards the door.

They exited the room and descended on the stairs. They settled comfortably on the couch while Peter inserted the disk in the portable DVD player below the TV. He looked at Helen. "You don't mind if I turn off the lights? Every time I watch horror movies I want the lights out for better immersion," he said.

"Sure!" Helen replied and grabbed the cushion nearby.

Peter turned off the lights and went back to the couch and settled himself beside her. He placed the remote control on the center table beside three more remote controls.

The movie started playing.

While the movie was playing all Peter can think of is the beautiful woman beside him. His eyes were glued on the TV screen but his mind was centered on Helen. Would she get angry if he will drape his hand on her shoulder innocently? Yeah, she might!

Damn! His hand is itching to do just that. He wants to feel her skin under his touch.

Nah, it's too early yet.

All he knows that he feels a warm feeling creeping up in his heart while sitting beside her... and he also feels a physical yearning towards her that is getting stronger every minute while they are sitting close to each other.

He closed his eyes for a moment trying to control the rising temperature in his body.

When he opened his eyes, he willed his mind to focus on the movie that they're watching on the TV screen.

The lady protagonist of the movies was currently escaping the cell where she was imprisoned as hordes of flesh-eating genetically modified humans were after her - wanting a delicious meal.

Peter looked at the woman beside him and smiled in amusement. Helen was putting the cushion on her face trying to block her scream as the lady was being cornered by the flesh-eating scary-looking monsters in the hallways and she has no way out.

The heart-stopping moment when the monsters attacked the lady ended when the TV was turned off instantly!

Helen sighed...just when the movie was so thrilling and nail-biting... Peter choose the time to play a prank on her!

"Turn on the TV please!" she ordered.

Peter grinned. "I won't!" he said chuckling.

Helen reached for his hand and tried to wrestle the remote control from his fingers amidst the blackness of their surrounding.

"Alright... just calm down!" he said laughing in amusement.

The TV was suddenly back and Peter resumed the movie to the time when the woman was not cornered yet by the genetically altered humans.

Helen glared at him.

He chuckled and pinched her nose playfully finding her more beautiful when she's getting angry.

Helen ignored his teasing and focused her attention back on the nail-biting suspense happening on the TV screen.

Peter was not done yet, he was enjoying teasing her. He playfully tugged at the few strands of her hair.

She looked at him throwing daggers in his eyes. "Can you please keep your hands to yourself!" she reprimanded him.

Peter grinned. "Sorry..." he said and this time he finally kept his hand to himself to avoid angering her.

They watched the movie till the end without any interruption.

He looked at her. "Did you enjoy the movie?" he asked her.

"Yeah...very much!" she said with a smile.

Peter rose to his feet and turned off the TV and the light in the living room.

They climbed the stairs and bid goodnight to each other.

"Sweet dreams," he told her softly.

"Good night, sleep tight," she replied.

They entered their respective room to retire for the night.