Stupid Mistake!

Miller Family Mansion.

Stephanie and her father, George, the head of the family just come home today after closing a successful deal with their business partners abroad.

The family was having supper in the dining room, minus Samantha who was still on a holiday vacation with her friends in some hot spot destination inside the country.

George glanced at his wife. "Where is Helen? I haven't seen her around the house?" he asked.

"Why are you looking for her?" Donna said.

George groaned. "What's wrong? She's my daughter after all... can't I ask her whereabouts?"

"Yes, Mom. Where is Helen? We have good news for her!" Stephanie said excitedly.

"What is this good news you are talking about?" Donna asked out of curiosity.

George smiled animatedly while talking. "My friend and I saw each other in the airport. He was looking for a wife for his blind son. He wants an arranged marriage with one of our daughters. This blind son is one of the heirs of their business empire. It's Helen's opportunity to marry a wealthy husband and contribute to the prosperity of our business by marrying one of the heirs of Genesis Business Empire, their family businesses were composed of pharmacies, gas stations, banks, hardware stores, shipping, and other successful businesses with branches located all over the county," George said.

Donna was dumbfounded. Her husband will surely kill her after he will discover that she forced Helen to marry her best friend's bastard son. No! she must find a way how to get Helen back! and warned that girl not to tell her father the truth!

"That's a piece of good news indeed! But why did your friend chose Helen? Why not Stephanie and Samantha?" Donna asked in confusion.

"I showed my friend the photos of the three girls, he chose Helen's pic... he told me that Helen has great resemblance with his son's ex-girlfriend that he love so much, the girl passed away a few years ago due to cancer before he went blind," George explained.

"Ah, I see... it's good news indeed for Helen. I'm happy for her. But she's not here inside the house right now. I sent her to my sister's house two weeks ago because my sister got sick and she wants the girl's company, we both know that my sister and Helen are fond of each other," Donna lied.

"Ah, okay. No need to hurry, you can go tomorrow or the next day to your sister's house and bring Helen back here. I'm excited about this marriage alliance with the Genesis Empire! It will certainly boost our fame and fortune! Alliances with other wealthy families through arranged marriage are always our preferred way of marrying our children. We only want the best for our children so that we can secure their bright future and our family's prestige for years to come!" George said, his eyes sparkled. His mind was already preoccupied thinking of the endless business opportunities that the two families can come up with once their children are finally hooked up by the marriage ties.

Donna produced a fake smile. "Alright, I'll go to my sister's house and get Helen and bring her back to the mansion!" she said with false excitement in her voice.

"Good! You do that as soon as possible!" George said animatedly, already counting dollar signs in his mind.

Stephanie was able to see through her mother's seemingly nervous countenance, she knew her mother well, her gestures today are kind of oblivious to her watchful eyes, but her dense father was unable to notice her mother's facade. She wondered what her mother did to her sister this time?

They resumed eating dinner.

A half-hour later, they finished eating and left the dining room.

George went to his study room, while Donna went to the back garden, facing back and forth inside the gazebo. Damn!

Why such a golden opportunity exist after she already arranged Helen's marriage to the impoverished Peter? Now, what to do?

If Peter and Helen were already having sex and the maid's daughter got pregnant all of a sudden? How can she still marry the blind man heir of the Genesis Empire?

Her husband and daughter will surely blame her for losing such a big opportunity for the whole family! She knows that her husband has been salivating about having ties with the Genesis Empire through the years but he can't find the opportunity to do so.

Now that the opportunity is finally here in the form of a marriage alliance between the Miller and the Johnson's family ~ owner of the Genesis Business Empire ~ things are a bit shaky!

If she only knew that such an alliance between two families is possible to this day, she wouldn't have kicked Helen out of the mansion!

Dang! How stupid she can be! She smacked her forehead to punish herself.

Stephanie was watching her mother going back and forth inside the gazebo, her mother's face was contorted in great distress. She entered the gazebo quietly and lowered herself on the lounge chair.

Donna was surprised to see her daughter already sitting on the lounge chair. "Stephanie, when did you arrived here? I didn't see you entered the door?" she asked in bewilderment.

Stephanie studied her mother's flustered face. "Mom, you look so worried. What's wrong?"

"I...I...made a big mistake with Helen this time!" Donna stammered.

Stephanie's brows knitted together. "What have you done to my sister? Tell me quick...!" she asked. "Did you kick her out of the mansion? Where is she living now?"

Donna lowered herself on the chair. "I...I... agreed to an arrange marriage between Helen and Peter, the son of my best friend!"

Stephanie's eyes widened in surprise. "Whaaaat? You forced Helen to marry that loser son of a maid, Peter! Since when this happened?"

"It happened more than two weeks ago. Valeria and I brought Helen to Peter's doorsteps and left there ever since. I dunno what's happening to the couple right now...I never inquired about their condition. All I know is that I'm very happy that I can finally get rid of that daughter's maid once and for all!" Donna stated, misty-eyed. Her happiness was now turned into sorrow and regrets.

Stephanie sighed deeply, feeling annoyed. "Mom, why did you do it? If you only waited for a little while, not only you can get rid of Helen's presence from our house but we can also gain prestige and more business opportunities with the union of the two powerful families! How can you be so stupid to act so carelessly!?" she said in a frustrated manner.

Donna shut her eyes for a few seconds, regretting her decision of kicking Helen out of the mansion last two weeks ago. "But...what we're going to do now?" she said, visibly shaken, asking her daughter for a way out. Once her husband will know about her stupid mistake, he will get mad for sure!

Stephanie sighed deeply.

"This is a big loss to our family! We can't allow such a big opportunity to evaporate into thin air without doing anything to make it happen! We will get Helen back here in the mansion before father finds out the truth! ASAP!" Stephanie declared as a fresh wave of determination flashed in her eyes.