Good News!

They finally reach the wet market area and stopped in front of a restaurant.

Helen hugged her husband and bid him goodbye. "I'll text you later after I arrive home," she said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your text," Peter said.

"Gotta go!" Helen pushed the door open and exited the cab. She walked briskly and went inside the restaurant.

The taxi driver glanced at Peter in the rear-view mirror. "Where are we going next, Boss?" he asked.

"Take me back to Oasis Bloom Tower condominium building," Peter replied. He looked at the restaurant one last time and released a deep sigh.

The driver drove the car back to the condominium building.

Inside the restaurant.

Melinda was munching on her double cheeseburger that is already half-finished. "Ma'am, let's eat!" she said.

Helen smiled at the cook. "Take your time, I'm not hungry," she said and began browsing on her phone.