Let See!

When Peter entered his house after the store's closing, he can see and feel the difference.

The entire house is thoroughly clean!

It reminds him so much when Helen arrived at his place, she cleaned the entire house the following day just like Debra did today. Ah, man, he missed his wife so much! This place looks like a home when Helen was still here. Although he can see his wife's image in every corner of the house, still, no one can beat her glorious presence in his life.

Two months is still a long way to go!

He wielded himself back to the present time.

He looked at the ceiling, no more cobwebs! He smiled a bit.

'Women love cleaning the house, they're naturally gifted when it comes to performing household chores,' he thought to himself. He went to the table and put down the take-out foods he bought for himself and Debra.

Debra descended the stairs and looked at him. "Sir, I'm done cleaning the house. I would like to clean your room if you allow it," she offered.