The Plan!

When Kristy arrived at the mansion, her husband had already reported to his office.

Never mind, she has plenty of time to talk to her husband about the plan later after he leaves the office and goes home.

For her plan to work, she needs full cooperation both from her husband and Helen's father.

She realized that it's a better alternative than drugging Helen with the aphrodisiac.

If the three of them is willing to make the plan work then 80% of their problem with Helen will be solved immediately. She can't allow Helen to leave the farm, once it will happen, she will be reunited with her boyfriend and it will be impossible for Helen and Jake to see each other again!

No, she can't allow it!

She needs to help her son get Helen as his bride sooner or later!

She holds her phone in her hand and placed a call to Helen's father.

The phone rings and George answered the call. "Hello..."

"Hello, George... can you come alone to our house tonight for dinner?" Kristy said.