Are You Happy?

The following day.

At 6:30 in the morning.

Helen woke up inside her father's room, lying on the couch uncomfortably. She doesn't have a good sleep last night, always checking her father's condition.

She glanced at her father lying on the bed, he's still in a deep slumber.

She rubbed her eyes and run her fingers through her hair. She left the couch and went to the bed. She examined her father's face, his breathing seems normal, still in a deep slumber.

She went to the bathroom to take care of the call of nature.

When she exited a moment later, her father is already awake. "Dad, are you okay now?" she asked.

George looked at his daughter. "Yes, I'm okay, daughter. After I have taken a long sleep, I'm feeling better now," he said.

"Thanks, God!" Helen said gratefully.

"Daughter, regarding what you said last night. Did you mean it?" he asked, for he was doubting if his daughter is truly serious with her decision to accompany Jake abroad.