Shameless Temptress!

It was already 8:00 in the evening when Debra left the restaurant going home.

She strolled on the sidewalk and was already near the PW compound when she saw a luxurious car getting out of the gate. Her brows furrowed. "Whose nice car is that?" she asked aloud.

It's not Peter's car because he doesn't have any. Ah, maybe he had a visitor, probably one of his brothers? He had three older brothers.

The car already faded from her vision by the time she reached the gate.

"Goode evening, guard!" she said.

"Good evening too, Miss Debra!" the guard replied and opened the small door of the gate.

Debra stepped inside and addressed the guard. "Who owns that car I saw leaving the gate a while ago?" she asked.

"That was Sir Arthur, he visited his brother. They have a barbecue party and drink some beers then left going back to SpringVille City," the guard replied and closed the gate.

"Ah, okay. I'll go inside the house now," Debra said and walked towards the house.