About Time!

A few hours later.

The tired travelers finally reached their destination.

The Black Jaguar car stopped outside the gate of the Miller Family mansion.

Helen ordered the guard to open the gate.

The guard obeyed.

Alfie drove the car into the pathway and stopped in front of the mansion.

George, Donna, Stephanie, and Samantha were already waiting outside the door to welcome their important visitor.

Helen exited the car first while Alfie assisted Jake in getting out of the car.

"Hello, Uncle...hello Auntie... hello ladies! Sorry for my sudden visit," Jake apologized.

George went to his side. "You're always welcome to visit our humble abode anytime, Jake!" he said.

"Let's get inside to the living room so that you guys can have a rest while the servants are preparing the food in the dining room," Donna told the visitors.

They entered the door, settled in the living room

and engaged in a lively conversation.

A few minutes later.