Hate Me?

Helen was crying a river inside her room.

Half an hour later, her eyes run out of tears to cry. She finally stopped crying.

She released a deep sigh, left the bed, and went inside the bathroom to splash water on her face.

Done in the bathroom, she went back to bed and fished out her phone. She input her password and typed a message to her husband telling him that she missed him so much and that her love for him is as wide as the Pacific Ocean and as high as Mount Everest, she added lots of heart emojis in her message and sent it!

She sighed and lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.

A knock on the door broke her reverie.

"Juliet, please come to the veranda... we ordered a delicious afternoon snack. Romeo is waiting for you, he's dying to hear your voice since he can't see your face. Please, grace us with your wonderful presence!" Alfie begged.