Seize The Chance!

Two weeks later.

Geneva Switzerland.

One sunny afternoon, the trio was relaxing on the porch after eating lunch. A few minutes later, Noah's BMW vehicle arrived and parked in the front yard... they were shocked when Kristy and Douglas exited the car.

Earlier, Noah went to the airport secretly and brought the couple to their hotel accommodation first and then to the rented house.

"Hello everyone! We just arrived here in Geneva, Switzerland!" Kristy announced their presence.

"Madam, Sir! Nice to see you again!" Alfie gushes.

"Madam, Sir! Good afternoon!" Helen conveyed her greetings.

"Dad, Mom... when did you arrive? Why you didn't inform us that you're coming to visit us today?" Jake said.

The couple lowered themselves on the couch beside their son.

"We plan to surprise you, guys!" Douglas replied to his son's question.

Jake chuckled. "We're surprised indeed!"