No More Us!

Five days later.

Niko was expecting Cecile's arrival at his office today. It's a place that he had rented fifteen minutes drive away from his bachelor's pad.

The door opened, a pretty woman wearing a short skirt and sleeveless black blouse stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

Niko eyed her wearily. "You're fifteen minutes late!" he scolded her.

"I'm sorry, Boss!" Cecile said.

"Alright, let's get into the details of your next assignment!" He fired right away.

"The one you already briefed me with on the phone the other day?" Cecile asked.

"That's right!" Niko answered. He produced a brown envelope from the drawer of his desk and took out the photos and put them on the desk. "This is Peter, the married guy that you'll have to seduce..." he handed Peter's closed-up photo to her.

Cecile holds the photo in her hand and stared at the good-looking guy in the pic. "Hello, Peter! See you soon!" she said, smiling at the photo.