Right Behind You!

The next day.

Arthur left the PW compound at 5:00 in the morning after drinking hot coffee. He had only one thing to say to his brother before he took his leave... 'To remain calm when confronting Debra and avoid resorting to violence.'

After his brother left the compound, Peter went back to his bed and mull about the ways and means to confront Debra. There's only one thing that he feared the most. What if Debra can find a way to send the sex video to his wife?

No! It must never happen!

No matter how he's going to explain to his wife that the sex video is not consensual, that he was just taken advantage of by Debra while he was sleeping in his room, Helen won't believe it!

The short sex video is very damaging, and it can potentially destroy his marriage with Helen once she will know about it. Worst, if Debra has more copies to send to him to blackmail him, she can always find a perfect time to send it to his wife.