Losing You!

After the Johnson couple arrived at their hotel room, Kristy immediately place a call to Cecile.

"Hello...Madam V!" Cecile said, munching on her snack while lying on the bed.

"I call you to give you a clear instruction. Listen carefully!" Kristy said.

Cecile sat erect on the bed. "Yes, Madam, you have my undivided attention now. Bring it on!"

"Starting today, cease any operation against Peter! Destroy all the evidence that you have accumulated against him and destroy the sex video as well. From now on, your mission is officially over. I will settle the remaining payment to Niko and the bonus that I have promised you. I will honor the financial agreement between me and your boss. And starting today, our communication will be over. No need to call me or report to me anything relating to Peter. Did you understand me, Cecile?" Kristy spoke with an air of authority.