Need My Help?

The next day.

The Johnson couple brought breakfast into Jake's room.

After breakfast, everyone left the room so that Helen and Jake can have privacy to say goodbye to each other. Helen has to go back to the rented house. She still needs to do some packing.

She stood beside the bed.

Jake released a deep sigh. The pain of separation surged through his entire body, squeezing his heart painfully. "So, this is the last day that I'm going to hear your voice. I think I've already said everything to you, nothing left to say anymore. Have a happy trip, and I wish you a lifetime of happiness with your husband. See you someday in the future! Take care of yourself and think of me once in a while... will you?"

Helen smiled. "Of course, I'll remember you always because you are my friend," she replied, feeling sad for him a bit.