The Movie

After they finished eating their mouth-watering dinner in the chicken restaurant, Helen and Peter decided to go home.

On their way to the compound, they stopped at the convenience store and brought one gallon of rocky road ice cream.

"The night is still young, let's watch a movie before going to bed!" Peter said.

"Sure!" Helen replied with a smile. In her mind, she was planning to confess after they finished watching a movie.

The couple arrived at the gate of the compound and went inside.

They gave the fried chicken take out to the guard and proceed to the house.

Inside the house.

The couple went to the kitchen and took two plastic bowls, then filled them with ice cream. They returned to the couch and began browsing movies on TV.

Peter looked at his wife. "What kind of movie do you want to see today...horror, suspense, romance drama or sci-fi?" he asked for her opinion.