7. Yamato Resting Day

Meanwhile, Yamato is still resting and Yamasaki touches his hair and Rena were asking her why did Yamato help to take revenge with all her bad memories within the middle school.

Rena: Yamasaki why did your brother help you with everything that happened to you

Yamasaki: he is my brother and he helps me to not friend with bad student

Rena: wait did he say that you

Jake: he also talks about his past self to us

Yamasaki: wait did he tell you

Jade: yes he did and while he takes a rest for a day we can stay inside the SWAT car and tell a story about what happened to him

Yamasaki: yes, please

Rena: I also want to hear his story

Jade: here I go...

Flashback while Yamato is going to be hard because he spent doing to take care of his young Sister which is Yamasaki Ten and he had to work a different job and at the same time he gets fired from his job but at the end, he found a way to make money and he becomes a top gang at around Osaka and he beat up other gang and while he is on a second place and the first place is the wolf gang and all of his gang are down and he went to just beat them with his bare hand and after they award him as a son of Osaka and right before he wants to return home we bumped into Yamato and we ask them to follow him until he passes to us and become the leader of the solo gang.

When Yamato went back home and he almost want to collapse on the ground but he collapsed on the floor of the living room while Ten-chan is going to go out of her room and see that her brother is having some bruises around his body and his face had some cut and dry blood on his lips.

Jade: that is my story for Yamato past

Rena: I didn't know that he beat the top gang to become a boss

Jake: yea he did and everything I respect for him

Yamasaki: I didn't know that Oniichan can fight against them

Rena: I want to hear Ten-chan story about the bully you in school

Yamasaki: sure I will tell you

In the meantime, went Yamasaki to tell them the story of her being bullied in school and her brother went to her middle school and beat all of the gang one at a time.

Flashback went Yamasaki went into a public middle school and her class is 1-4 and she didn't know that class 1-3 is Manafi we're inside and went she have some break and she always go to the cafeteria and eat only bread and some drink but one day she had a problem with the money that she forgets to take with her but at the end, the gang of wolf bumped into her and they bully her in front of her class but her class didn't do anything but just watch her suffer from them and out of a sudden, Yamato help her and he tackled them down and he beat them and finally everyone is happy and cheer for Yamasaki Brother who helps his sister.

Yamato: Ten-chan are you okay or hurt?

Yamasaki: I'm fine and thank you for helping me Oniichan

Yamato: you are not suitable in this school but here it is suitable for you

Later Yamato walk away and Yamasaki keep the letter in her pocket while the school principal come out from the office and just look at her and some delinquent students were beating up and they have all had some bruises around his face.

Principal: Yamasaki you may leave the school now

Yamasaki: okay

When Yamasaki leave the school and she saw her brother is waiting for her and they go and left the school and the next day Yamasaki go to the one school that don't have any bullies and it called is Sakurazaka Academy is a girl school and no boy allowed at the Academy.

Yamasaki: that is my story of being bullied in middle school

Rena: I didn't know that they bully you so badly

Yamasaki: yes but Oniichan help me escape that school

Jade: so how is your day with Yamato?

Yamasaki: he doing fine and he is a helpful Brother I had

Jake: I think he is waking up

Rena: how did you know that he waking up?

Suddenly, Yamato wake up and saw everyone is looking at him and Ten-chan just smile at her brother but Rena has a question for him to answer that when the part that he had switched to not himself where he fight with ex Touma gang.

Rena: um...Senpai I have a question for you about that you fight with ex Touma gang?

Yamato: sure what it is?

When Jade drive the SWAT car back to the factory building and we go out from the SWAT car and go inside to the building and we seat in the living room full of air conditioning and he starts to talk about his switch mode personal.

Jade: okay now we are in the living room and tell us why did you switch into a different mode

Jake: yea boss tell us

Yamato: fine I will you why did I go switch into a different person went I want to fight with them

When it start I become the oldest Brother in the family and I need to take care of my little sister went she only 5 years old and she go to elementary school and I go and sent her to school and return home every day I need to learn money and went she only 14 years old she joins the idol auditions and by the time she graduated from her high school and I had a huge accident when having a big earthquake about 7.0 and I had an accident and I hit my head with metal and I was helping someone but at the end I at the hospital but Yamasaki didn't know that she is inside at the same hospital but is the different floor I at 3rd floor but she was at the 2nd floor and while I discharged from the hospital and the doctor says that I had switch personality and went I angry or want to fight with someone later it will go change into them but if not want to get switch just inject them into your arm.

Yamato: that is my story

Rena: you were in the same hospital with Yamasaki

Yamato: yes I am and she thinks where is Yamato went to?

Yamasaki: I'm sorry I didn't know that you were in the hospital and got some accident right before the earthquake hit

Yamato: don't worry Ten-chan you are okay and now I can protect you from someone hurting you

Yamasaki: note

Meanwhile, we are having so much fun with Rena, Jade and Jake who had their promise for Yamato and go fight with him until to the very end of his time.