Are you fine?

"Hello, Miss Jula? How are you now?"Peter Carter asked Jula who was lying down on the bed.

        She looked at the man with sad eyes.

"Miss Jula. Please get up. I have brought soup for you. It will help in your speedy recovery."Peter Carter said and showed her the bowl he was holding.

"I...don't want to. Where is my .... fiance? Did not you tell that you are his ...personal assistant? Why ....he is not here yet? And.....and ...where is my family? Please go away.I don't want to see you."Jula said in a cry-like tone and covered her face with a blanket.

" busy with someth...."Peter Carter wanted to tell something but stopped to hear the familiar deep voice. He stunned to see the man here.

'Had not he left some time ago? Why is he here?'Peter Carter thought.

"Peter. Although I am very busy, I can find out time for my fiancee. Why are you making her worried? You can leave now. I am going to feed her the soup."James Thomson said and take the bowl from Peter Carter.

"Y....yes boss."He replied.

" are you?"James Thomson forwarded towards the woman who was lying on the bed by covering her face. Under the blanket, Jula felt like her heart skipped a beat. She never heard such a deep and sexy voice.

'Oh, God! Is he a man or God! How can a person's voice be such attractive! You are a Lucky girl Jula. The person with such a nice voice is yours! Should not I see him? But why am I feeling nervous about thinking this? Now, what should I do? 'Jula thought nervously and decided to lie down as she was.

"Peter, do you want something?"James Thomson asked in a cold voice.

" boss. I am leaving."Peter Carter said and left the room hurriedly.

"I don't know why is he doing this? But I can say that he would be in a big problem for this."Peter Carter murmured and left the cabin. At the entrance of the hospital, he can see two men were waiting.

"Aren't they Chairman's people?..........That's why he returned to the cabin. Boss, you are done!"He mumbled and left the hospital.

            Inside the hospital cabin, James Thomson sat down on a chair near the bed on which Jula was lying down.

"Jula, are you angry with me? Please forgive me. I had to attend a meeting. Please have this soup."James Thomson said in a low voice. But Jula did not move.

"I am sorry. I will not leave you alone next time. Please look at me."James Thomson said and removed the blanket slowly.

                    Both of them stunned to see each other. Their eyes locked. Both of them felt like the time stopped and was feeling a sudden connection something deep. It was a moment that both of them never felt in their lives. This happened only for few seconds but, It was so intense that they forgot about the surrounding. They felt like the world stops for a moment and they're the only person they can see.

"I am sorry to interrupt. I am here to give medicine to Miss Jula."Both of them come to the senses to hear the voice of a nurse. Jula covered her face with embarrassment. James Thomson nodded and left the cabin immediately. He felt the heat on his body suddenly.

"I think I should go out for fresh air. It is too hot here."James Thomson mumbled and forwarded towards the garden.

              He sat down on a bench and lost in deep thought.

'What was that? Why am I feeling like something inside me is missing? Her anyone can have such attractive eyes? What was in that look? Why am I am feeling that I have something deep connection with her?Why?Am I not here to pursue her to be my fake fiancee? No...James.You can not do this. You have to be careful. You can not fell for a woman whose identity is not known........ No, I will just do as I planned. But to do this, I have to find out her identity.'James Thomson thought and called Peter Carter.

"Hello, Peter. Find out her identity as soon as possible."He said and hung up the call and forwarded towards the hospital.

            On the other hand, Jula's condition was not better. She never thought that the person to whom she is engaged can be that attractive.

'I must have done some good works in my past life, otherwise, I would not have got such God -like man as my life partner. I wonder how was my life before the accident! He must be a good lover to me before the accident, otherwise, he would not have come here to see me and take care of me.'

"Miss,...Miss ...Are you fine?"Jula came back to the present to hear the nurse.

"Y....yes.I...I am fine."She replied nervously.

"Miss, your face is all red. Are you uncomfortable somewhere? "The nurse asked worriedly.

" am fine. Thank you."Jula replied somehow.

"Miss, let me help you. You should have this soup. Otherwise, it will be cold."The nurse said and helped her to sit down.

"Thank you," Jula said with a smile and take the bowl from the nurse, and started to eat the soup.

"Miss, your fiancee is so handsome. You are a lucky girl to have him. He is so sweet. I think he loves you. He even donated his blood to save you. He was too worried for you."The nurse said with a smile.

                  Jula stunned to hear her. She never thought that he could donate his blood to her. She smiled happily returned the bowl.

"Now you sleep. Please press the bell if you need anything."The nurse said and tucked the blanket around her.

"Don't worry sister. I am here to do it. I will inform you if there is any problem."They heard a voice from the entrance of the cabin. Both the nurse and Jula looked at James Thomson. Jula felt her cheeks hot to see him.

'Oh, God! You can not make yourself a fool in front of him. Control your feelings, Jula. You can do it.'Jula thought and closed her eyes.