My sweet girl!

In the garden, Jula was walking with Mrs. Catherine Thomson.

"It so refreshing here. I just like the place."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said happily.

"Yes, I too like this garden very much. Where do you live? Do you come here often?"Jula asked with a curious tone. Mrs. Catherine Thomson sighed.

"No. It is the first time. I never come here before. My son does not like my presence."She said with a sad smile.

Jula looked at the sad mother. She smiled at her and held her hand.

"I don't think that is the case.No one can hate their parents. He may be angry with you for some reason, but it will be fine with times."Jula replied.

Mrs. Catehrine Thomson smiled. But Jula could feel that her smile did not reach her eyes.

"Let us sit there and talk," Jula said and signaled Mrs. Catehrine Thomson towards a bench nearby. She nodded and both of them sat down there.

"My son hates me. He even does not like to talk to me."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said in a low voice.

"Don't worry auntie. Everything will be fine."Jula held her hand and said.

She smiled sadly. Both of them looked at the lake on which swans were swimming happily.

"Jula, I heard that you have lost your memory. Are you too worried about that?"

"Yes, auntie. I am worried about that, but the doctor said that I will regain my memory soon. So I am eagerly waiting for that moment. The feeling about the blank past is a really scary thing. But what can I do?"Jula said in a sad smile.

"Jula you are a good girl.Hope you will get back your memory very soon.And what about my son? Is he taking proper care of you?"

Jula nodded her head shyly.

"Oh.My sweet girl! Do you know, we thought he would never love or marry anyone. He always hates women. He never let any woman come near him. We even thought him a Gay."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said the Last sentence on Jula's ears and laughed loudly. Jula too joined her.

"Jula, I heard father- in - law went to the hospital to meet you. I am sorry for that. Actually, he is overprotective of James. That's why he was reacting like that. You need not worry about it. I will try to stop him do something like that in the future."

"Oh.No auntie. It's nothing. I really did not mind that. Don't worry about that. I can handle this matter myself."Jula replied.

"Are you sure? I can speak with him about this. The girl he chose for James, is the only Granddaughter of his best friend. That's why he is reacting like this. But I know he will just like you, once you would be married to James. I can help you to make him like you."

"No, auntie. I don't want to make you his enemy. Now he hates me. He will be angry with you too if you would support me. Don't worry about me. I can deal with him. I know he will accept me someday. I just need some time."Jula said in a determined voice.

"Ok. Then . I will not meddle with this matter. But Jula what about the marriage? When you two are going to be married? I want a grandchild soon."Mrs . Catherine said with a mischievous smile.

Jula blushed to hear her. She lowered her head. Mrs. Catherine smiled to see her.

"I.....I have not thought about the marriage yet. I think we need some time more."Jula said in a low voice.

"Oh, dear. You are already engaged to me son. What are you two waiting for? It is a good time to get married actually. You should get married soon and give me a grandchild as soon as possible.........Ah, I will not mind even if you give me a grandson before the marriage also. I don't care about those things actually. I just need a cute grandchild to play with."

Jula lowered her head . She felt like her cheeks and ears are hot.

"Listen Jual. My son is a bit slow in this matter. You have to take the first step towards him. That fool has not even dated anyone before. I wonder if he can kiss anyone or not. Listen, you have to seduce him to come to you voluntarily. You should wear some sexy dresses. I think I should take you out shopping. You need some sexy underwear. Men like sexy girls. You have to do some make- ups."Mrs. Catherine said in a happy tone.

'What is it? Why his mother is telling all these things so shamelessly. Why am I suddenly feeling hot? Oh, God! Please save me. I can not sit here more.'Jula thought and got up.

"A....auntie, I....I have to use the washroom. Please excuse me."Jula said and she left the garden hurriedly.

As she reached the drawing- room, she saw James Thomson was having tea with his father in the living room. She bowed and left the room hurriedly. To her surprise, she started sweating to see James.

'What the heck! Why am I sweating now?'She thought and washed her face to cool down.

Mrs. Catherine too followed Jula reached the drawing - room . James Thomson and his father looked at her with a questioning gaze. She smiled at them and sat down near her husband.

"What is it? What happened to Jula? Why did she come in like that? She even runs away from here hurriedly. What did you do to her? Is she sick again? Her cheeks were also red."Harris Thomson asked with a worried tone.

"Is she sick? What happened in the garden?"James Thomson asked in the same worried tone.

"Oh! It's nothing. I just have advised her on some basic things, she needs to do. You men will not understand these. Don't worry."Mrs. Catherine replied with a mischievous tone. Both of them sighed in relief.

"Ok.Then.We should leave. I have some meetings to attend. James, please think about what I told you."Harris Thomson said and got up.

"Ok. Let us go. James, I will go shopping tomorrow with Jula. She needs some things to buy. Tell her to get ready after breakfast tomorrow morning."Mrs . Catherine said happily.

"I can buy for her whatever she needs. You need not worry."James Thomson said in a cold tone.

Harris Thomson looked at both of them helplessly. He knew that James would never accept anything from his mother.

"I will be ready in time auntie. Don't worry."They heard Jula's voice.

"But ,Jula........."James Thomson wanted to tell something but stopped by Jula.

"I want to go with her.Please."Jula said with pleaded tone. James Thomson sighed.

"Ok."He uttered.

Both Harris Thomson and his wife looked at each other and smiled.

"Ok. Let us go."Harris Thomson said and left the Rose Villa happily.

"This girl will bring back my son to me."Catherine Thomson uttered thoughtfully on the way to the home.

"I too hope so."Harris Thomson said with a smile.

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