A Pervert!

"Oh my God! What was it? Is he angry or just shy? Did I really do wrong? But, I have already engaged to him. Is not it normal for an engaged couple to be intimate? I....I even did not touch him. I did that only to make him feel better. But ...but he has taken it the wrong way. Oh, God! What did he think of me? A pervert!Oh No. I can not let him think about me like that. I... I must clear the things between us."Jula mumbled and entered the kitchen. She sat down there to think of a way to clear things, but she could not find any way. She sighed and got up.

'I think I should explain to him the reason behind it clearly.'She thought and got up to make a cup of ginger tea.

Inside the bedroom, James Thomson was also lost in deep thought. He was still feeling all hot. It was a strange feeling, which he never felt.

'Why am I feeling like this? It feels like, I am not me anymore! No. It can't be.No.....no.I can not let this happen. I have to draw a clear line between us. I just can not use her when she is still can not remember her past. 'He thought and dialed Peter Carter's number.


"Hello, Boss. How are you? Mrs. Thomson informed me that you had a fever."

"My mom informed you! How did she come to know about it?"James asked confusedly.

"She told me that, Miss Jula called her. She was too worried for you. Mrs. Thomson advised her to give you a sponge bath. Mrs. Thomson told me that Miss Jula took care of you for the whole day. Are you fine now?"

'So she had taken care of me the whole day. I should be thankful to her. And .....and she removed my clothes only to make me feel better. I should thank her.'James Thomson thought.

"Boss.....are you there? Are you fine?"

"Yes, I am fine. The fever has gone. How is going on the investigation?"

"Boss, still no progress. I am sorry. This time we failed."

"Peter, we must find out her real identity, I just can not keep her here like this. It is not good for both of ...."James Thomson could not complete his sentence. He stopped to see Jula in front of him. He never thought that Jula would come in like this. He looked at the woman in front of him worried, who was standing like a statue.

"Boss....boss....are you there? What happened? Are you fine?"Peter Carter asked worriedly to hear silence on James Thomson's side.

'Has she already heard everything?'He thought and hang up the call.

"Miss Jula ..."James Thomson tried to speak but Jula stopped him.

"Who am I? What is my real identity? Am I really Jula? Am I really your fiancee?" She asked in a cold tone.

James Thomson got up from the bed and stand in front of Jula.

"Miss Jula listen to me. Please be calm. Let me explain ."James Thomson said in a worried voice.

"So, you lied. How dare you? What did you want from me? What did you think of me? How can you call me your fiancee, when you don't know my real identity? How can you use me like this? I....I thought you my ....my soulmate and you ....you ...."Jula could not stop her tears and left the room hurriedly.

James Thomson stood there like a statue. He could not decide, what to do. His mobile rang. It was Peter. He received the call.

"Hello."He replied.

"Hello, boss. Did something happen?"Peter Carter asked worriedly.

"She heard everything."

"What! How?I mean now what to do? She would be stressed again."

"I will see it."James Thomson said and hang up the call.

'I have to talk to her.'He thought and left his room hurriedly. He looked around to find her. He reached in front of Jula's room. The door of the room was closed. He knocked at the door.

"Miss Jula, please open the door. Let us talk."James Thomson said in a worried voice. Jula opened the door.

"Miss Jula, I am sorry. I should tell you everything earlier. I Did not want to ......"James Thomson tried to explain but Jula stopped her.

"I don't think that you need to explain anything to me. I am a stranger to you. What you have done for me is a big thing for me. At least you have not let me die on the road. You let me live in your house. Thank you for everything. Mr. Thomson, I don't think that I have any right to live in this house. I have to leave now. Thank you for everything."Jula said with a calm voice and forwarded towards the stairs.

"Miss Jula, at least you should stay here until you get back your memory. It is not safe for you to stay anywhere else."James Thomson said in a worried tone.

Jula stopped and looked back.

"Thank you, Mr. Thomson. But I can not stay here anymore."She replied and left the house.

James Thomson looked at the entrance worriedly.

"I should not let her go like this......But, she is a stranger to me. I should not let her live here. But.......why am I worried for her? No.....I ........I can not let this happen. I can not be worried for a stranger. She will be just fine........... But will she be really fine? It is already night. What if something happens to her?............Whatever.....It is not my problem. I should be happy now. I can live in my sweet home again peacefully."James Thomson mumbled and forwarded toward the balcony. He opened both of his hands and inhaled the cool air. Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed and thunder boomed.

"Oh, It is going to rain."He mumbled.