How is it possible?

James Thomson looked out worriedly. It started raining heavily.

"It's raining heavily now? Where would she go now?No, she must have got some good place already ,to spend the night.But how can she get a place so soon? She forgets everything about her past.She doesn't not know anyone here.What if someone does something bad to her?She can book a hotel for a few days as i have given her my credit card.I should not be worried for her.....Let it go.Why am I thinking of her?Why do I care?She is not my responsibility.I am not liable to take her responsibility.I should not let the unnecessary things come to my peaceful life."He mumbled and went to his bedroom.As he about to sleep, his mobile rang.It was Peter Carter.

"Hello."He replied.

"Hello, boss, as you ordered, I have got some information about your grandfather."

"Spill it."

"Your grandfather is determined for your marriage.He has already planned everything.Today he met with the wedding planner.The most important thing is he has preponed the date of your marriage.It is only in a weeks time."Peter Carter reported.

"What!How is it possible?Was not the date fixed two months later?How is it so soon?How can he do it?I even told him that Jula is my fiancee."James Thomson asked in an angry voice.

"I.....I think he already guessed your relationship with Miss Jula.That's why he is doing this.He knows that you are using Miss Jula to keep him away from your marriage.I think you should meet Miss Helen once.What I heard about her, she is not that bad.She is beautiful, talented and..." James Thomson stopped Peter carter in mid sentence.His sound was angrier now.

"Stop it.I don't want to hear it.I am not going to marry anyone.I just can not let anyone enter my life like that."

"But b...Boss, have you forgotten about the deadline your grandfather gave you last year?You have only one month left to fulfill his conditions.Otherwise, he will.....make things tougher for you.You have done a lot for the company.Will you leave it to the hands of Derrick, who has never taken anything seriously?Boss, please think over it."

"Ok.I will see,what can I do."James Thomson said and hangs up the call and lost in deep thought.

Suddenly he remembers something and called Jula's number.The ring was going through ,but no one was picking up the call.

"What the hell?Why is she not picking up?"He mumbled and got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen.On the way he kept on trying to call her.AS he was going to the downstairs,he heard the ringtone of Jula's mobile phone.He stopped at teh outside of her room.

" is ringing here."he murmured and entered the room and looked around.The mobile phone was kept on the table.He opened the wardrobe to see her clothes.

"It is so strange!Has she left the house without anything?How can she be such an idiot?She even did not take her purse also with her.How will she live without any money?What will she eat?Oh God!I can't understand,how this woman's brain is working?Which fool would leave without even a penny or mobile phone?What if she is in danger?It is raining outside, and she has no place to live....NO ,i have to go and find her."He said to himself and left the house worriedly.

"Miss Jula, please send this order to table number four."The in charge of the bar handed her two bottles of beer.

"Sure sir."She replied and took the tray from the in charge and forwarded towards the tables where guests were sitting.

"Sirs here are your drink."She bowed and handed them the drinks.

"Thank you."They replied.

"Waitress, come here."Jula heard someone calling her from the corner. She looked near them. There were two men sitting at that table. Both of them looked drunk. She felt disgusted to look at them.

'No Jula, it is your work. You must go through it. You will get paid if only you can tolerate all these.'She thought and reached near them.

"Yes, sir, what can I do for you?"She asked without showing any expression.

" p...pretty girl. B...bring the strongest wine for us. R...remember, must bring.....the yourself."One of the men said.

"Ok. Please wait in here."Jula said and left.

"Sir, those men are fully drunk. They have ordered more drinks."Jula informed the in - charge.

"Miss Jula. Give them as much as they are asking for."The in charge said with a smile.

"But ....they are already drunk."Jula said hesitatingly.

"Let them be drunk.We will get more money if they are more drunk.Don't think too much.Just do your duty.Today is your first day,so it seems a little weird for you .But you will be get used to it slowly."the in charge said with a smile.

Jula nodded and forwarded towards the tables of the customers.

"Here is your drink sir."She said in a low voice and kept the bottles on the table .

"Tha....thank you ve….ry much.Come have a sit here.Let us drink together.We are serching ....for a ...……autiful com....panion."A man said and held her hands. Jula was not ready for this

"I ….I am sorry.I ....I can not drink with you."Jula said and she shook his hand and about to left the table hurriedly to avoid any uncomfortable circumstances,but she could not .The man who asked her to join him to drink came forward and blocked her path.

"D…..darling...…..wh…..where are you go...…ing?I will pay for you."The man said and hugged from back.Jula shocked to see his behaviour.