We are here

"Miss Nina, please get out. We are here."Peter Carter said and opened the car door for her.

"Oh. Y.....yes.Are ...are we here already?" Nina Anderson said nervously. She was hesitating to get off the car. James Thomson looked at the nervous woman sitting behind him. He thought something and get off the car. He reached near Nina Anderson and signaled Peter Carter to leave. Peter Carter left quietly. James Thomson forwarded his hand towards her.

"Don't be nervous. You will do it. I am with you."He uttered in a deep voice.

Nina Anderson looked at the deep black eyes, felt at ease to hear his voice. She got off the car.

"Miss Nina, don't worry. You need not act much. You are here with me as my date. So, just be with me. Everything will be fine."He added.

"O.....ok."She mumbled and entered the hotel with James Thomson.

Inside the hotel, everyone was waiting for James Thomson. Peter Carter entered and announced his boss's arrival. Mr. Robin Porter and his father reached near the entrance to welcome him.

On one side of the hall, Mrs. Porter was speaking with her friends.

"Mrs. Porter you are looking young."A woman in a green dress commented. Mrs . Porter smiled happily.

"Mrs. Oliver,obviously, I should look good. I am the mother of a great actress after all. I can not be just like others. I have spent a lot on it. But I think you should not use that shade of lipstick. It has added a few years to your actual age. Did you use cheap lipstick? You are saving money for nothing. We should look beautiful."Mrs. Porter commented. Everyone present over there laughed.

The woman paled to hear her . She lowered her head and could not speak anything.

"Mrs. Porter, you should not speak like this in public."A woman came forward and said in a low voice.

"Mrs. Gilbert, Why should not I? Just look at her. How cheap she is looking! You should not take your friend's side. You should teach her. Look at me and my daughter. We always use expensive cosmetics."Mrs. Porter replied proudly.

"Oh yes. I forgot to tell you all. Today my future son - in - law is coming here."Mrs. Porter added.

Everyone stunned to hear her. Mrs. Gilbert pulled the woman in green dress towards her and offered her a glass of wine.

"Mrs. Oliver, Don't mind her. She is being arrogant for her money and the social status of her in-laws. I have heard a lot about them from a close friend of mine. I know how are she and her daughter. Her daughter is mere an actress on television. Anyone who is willing to sell their body can get the roles she got. She is not that famous about how much she is trying to boast about. I heard she had slept with a few directors for the roles she got. Her father and grandfather also spent a lot of money on some of her roles. "Mrs. Gilbert whispered at her ears.

"Let it go, Mrs. Gilbert. Let us go to some other table. Thank you for your support ."Mrs. Oliver replied and left the place where Mrs. Porter was speaking to others.

"What! Mr. James Thomson is coming here today? That is great!"A lady asked in a stunned voice.

"Oh, God!How lucky you are to get him as your son - in law."Someone said .Mrs. Porter smiled proudly.

"Is he coming today? I have never heard him attending any party. He must love your daughter very much."Another lady commented.

"Today we are lucky enough. I think we should go near the entrance to welcome him. Mrs. Porter, will you please introduce us to your son - in - law?I want to speak with him about my son's new business."

"No. You can not. I can not allow you to speak other business with him. He is here today only for my daughter. Look at her, how happy she is! She is going to be married to him in two months. I don't think you should disturb them."Mrs. Porter said with a smirk.

"Ok.As you wish."The woman replied in a sad voice.

On the other side of the hall, Helen Porter was speaking with her friends. A young man came near her and offered a glass of juice to her. She looked at the man questioningly.

"Hello, beautiful. Please accept it. I am Jacob. Will you be my friend?"The young man said with a smile.

"I am sorry. But, I am waiting for my fiance. He is coming here soon. So, I am not available."Helen Porter replied.