I am going to disown him

"Father, where have you been? I was too worried for you. I have been calling you for a long time." Mr. Herris Thomson said worriedly when he saw his father entering the house.

"I ....... I am going to disown him. How dare he to disobey me?" The old man said in an angry voice.

"Father ....... father ....... please be calm. Who? Who disobeyed you?" Mr. Herris Thomson asked worriedly.

"You want me to be calm? How can I be calm, when your son is making my life hell?"Gerard Thomson said angrily.

"What has he done?"Catherine Thomson came running from the kitchen and asked.

"You .....you are asking me? Tell me that you have no idea about it. I am going to call Derrick to come back. That ...that punk has lost his eligibility to be my successor. How can he make me feel ashamed in front of my childhood friend?"Gerard Thomson said in an angry voice.

"Father, will you please tell us what is the matter. Why are you angry?"Mr. Herris Thomson asked again.