Where are you going?

"Are you sure? Mom told me to take you with me, otherwise, you will be late."Daisy Thomson said and looked at Peter Carter, who was still standing there.

"B...boss.I ......I think I should leave. Have a Good night." Peter Carter said and about to leave, but stopped by James Thomson.

"Where are you going? Are not you taking your things with you? Here take this."He asked.

"H....how can I take those w.....with me? I am sorry boss. I can not do this. Miss Daisy, I am leaving."Peter Carter said nervously and forwarded towards the door again.

"Hey Peter, I said you to take your things with you."James Thomson reached near Peter Carter and said.

"James Bro, Peter You two acting weird.  Are you two hiding something from me? What is in that bag? Let me see the content of the bag.I think you two are hiding something in that bag."Daisy Thomson asked and forwarded towards the two men.