Are you sure?

Nina Andrson started to run as quickly as possible and reached in front of the army base. She reached near the guards on the gate and looked around to see Fenny. But there was no trace of that girl.

"Hey, Miss, who are you? Why are you here?"A guard came near her and asked.

"I am here for my friend. I think she entered your camp some time ago."Nina Anderson repleid.

"Your friend? But no one came here today after this afternoon. We even had not seen anyone nearby."The guard said in a confused tone.

"What? A....A .... Are you sure? I sent her here about fifteen minutes ago. There must be another guard here when sh.....she entered the base. Please confirm it with the guards. H....her life is in danger."Now Nina Anderson was nervous.

"Miss,I am telling you that no one entered here. I am here on duty since this afternoon."He said in a firm voice.