
"Ah! At last, I reached my own place. I wonder what all the people are thinking about me? Did they miss me? Of course, they would have. I don't think that I am an easily forgettable person after all. Now I have to hire a cab ."Nina Anderson get off the bus and mumbled. 

"Miss, where will you go?"The taxi driver asked Nina Anderson.

'I think I should go to my office first and meet my superiors. I was absent from work for more than one month after all. I need to report them."

"Please take me to High cloud Enterprise."She said happily.

The taxi driver nodded and start the engine.

"Miss you looked very happy. Are you an employee there?"The driver asked as he observed that she was smiling for a long time.

"Yes, I worked there. And yes, I am very happy today. I am here after a long time. It feels good to be in our own place."

"Yes, Miss. You are right. It is good to be in someone's own place. Did you go somewhere far?"