Stoop so low

"How can they do it? Now, what will I do? Should I go to Harry?..... What is it, Nina? How can you stoop so low for money? How can you ask your boyfriend for money?"She mumbled and opened the door of her apartment. She threw herself to the bed immediately tried to think of a way to solve the problem she was facing right now.

'I have to get a job immediately. But even if I get a job, I have to wait one month to get the salary. But I need money immediately. I need money to stay alive. I have not left anything with me now. Should I go back to the village? At least I can grow some vegetables there and sell them in the market..... But I have not returned to my village for a long time already. Will I be able to adjust to the village life now?... But what can I do now?'As she was thinking about her unstable future, the doorbell rang. It was Miss Tirana.

"Oh, God! Now, who is it? Has the landlord returned? Oh, God! Now, what will I do now?"She mumbled and opened the door.