How is it possible?

"What .....what did you say? What do you mean by she is alive? is it possible? Did not you say that your men killed her? How can she be alive now?"A woman said in a shocked voice.

"S....Sister, I am sorry. Even I did not know about it until a few days ago."A man in his forties replied.

"What do you mean by a  few days ago. Is that mean that you too know that she is alive? And ....and you did not inform me! How dare you to hide this information. Do you have a death wish? I provided you everything you asked, and you even did not complete your mission. How can you deceive me? How can you do this to me? Do you know how much planning I had to do to provide you those things?

                        You also know that the old punk never trusts me with anything.But I risked my life to help you. What did I ask in return? I only asked you to remove her from my life. I wanted to secure my child's future. But now see what have you done?"