
"Peter Carter, buy a house for me immediately."James Thomson called his assistant as he reached a hotel to spent the night there. Peter Carter shocked to hear his boss.

"Wh.....what?A house?Why?Where are you right now?"

"I am at hotel Swan right now. Bring the documents of the most suitable house for me here ." James Thomson explained everything and hang up the call.

            Peter Carter reached the hotel in which James Thomson was staying.

"Boss, here is the list of the properties, which are the royal estate agencies are going to sell. Please have a look at this ."Peter Carter said and handed him a file. James Thomson accepts the file and had a look at the documents.

"I like this house. Buy it for me. I want to shift there as soon as possible."James Thomson muttered.

"Ok Boss. I will confirm this house for you."Peter Carter said and called the royal estate agent.