Mr. Jian is very energetic

          Mr. Harry Jian reached in front of the VVIP cabin, on which James Thomson was having dinner with Miss Helen Porter. Peter Carter was speaking to someone in front of the cabin.

'Here he is Mr. James Thomson's personal assistant. I should talk to him first.'Harry Jian thought and forwarded towards Peter Carter.

"Excuse me. Can I have a few words with you?" Mr. Harry Jian asked politely. Peter Carter nodded.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"I am Harry Jian from Jian Cosmetics. Can I meet Mr. James Thomson?"Peter Carter stared at the man in front of him attentively.

"I am sorry, but you can not. Mr. Thomson is not here for any business meeting. He is having dinner with someone. I don't think he would like to meet you today."Peter Carter replied in a calm voice.