I know my son

"Nina, you have not deceived us. It was we, who failed to keep you with us. You are my daughter - in - law. I failed to take care of you. Nina, today I am here to bring you back to my son's life."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said with a smile. Nina Anderson stared at the lady lying beside her thoughtfully. She knew that this lady likes her.

"Mrs. Thomson, I really appreciate your good intentions towards me. But, I am sorry. I can not return there. That place is not for me. I know you are such a nice person. I am really sorry. Mr. Thomson is also a kindhearted person, although he is cold and aloof from the outside. He will be happy with Miss Helen Porter."Nina Anderson said with a smile.

"No, Nina. I know my son. I would not have come here to look for you if he would have any feelings for that girl. He would never be happy with that girl. You are the only person, who can make him happy."