We are leaving

              In a big warehouse near the city L, three men knocked on the door of a room. The Rio group used to spend their time there if they have to do any special operation.

"Come in."Someone said in a deep voice.

"Boss, we are leaving."One of the men said.

"Ok. Is everything ready?"The boss asked in a serious tone.

"Yes. We have made everything ready for you and your friends. Now we just need to go there and bring the girl here."

"Ok.Then.You can leave now."The leader said.

"B.....boss, there is something I want to report you."One of the men said in hesitation.

The leader of the gang stared at them questioningly.

"Boss, something happened to that girl yesterday."

"What happened to her? Were not you keeping your eyes on her?"The leader asked in an angry tone.