Am I seeing a thing?

When Mr. San reached the Khoja Green Village along with Miss Tirana, it was already noon. As they reached the village, they could not see anyone around there.

"I think everyone is inside of their houses. Let us go and ask ."Miss Tirana said thoughtfully and forwarded towards a small house.

"Is anyone home?"She called. But no one replied.

"I think the house owner is not at in.I am going to ask the next house."Miss Tirana mumbled. Mr. Mark San nodded and followed her. They tried three more houses, but could not get any reply.

"I wonder, where are the villagers? Have they already left the village? Oh No! That means Nina ......"Miss Tirana mumbled and lost in thought.

"Miss Tirana, are you ok?"Mr. Mark San asked worriedly.

"Y.....yes.I am fine.B.......but Nina........"Miss Tirana looked at him worriedly.

"I think she would be just fine. You wait in here. I am going to have a look around the village. I think I heard someone over there."