Contracted wife

  "Nina Anderson never thought that she would meet James Thomson in a place like this. At first, she did not notice him, but when she went near their table to take an order, she almost dropped the tray she was holding in her hand to see him among the guests.

"Miss Nina, what happened? Go and take the order."The manager said busily.

"B.....boss.Can I not go there?I.....I will go to another table."Nina Anderson said with hesitation.

                The manager stared at her suspiciously.

"Why? Is there any problem? It is your first day of work here. You should not be choosy. And I told you beforehand that you have to serve that table tonight. They are VIP's. Don't make things hard for me. I can not bear the reputation of my restaurant go down due to any of my staff."The manager said in a stern voice and left the place.