VIP guest

  In city T, inside a restaurant, three VIPs were discussing something very serious matter. All the employees of the restaurant were very much curious about the meeting inside as they were not allowed to enter inside .

"What is happening inside after all? Are not they VIPs?They are already there for one hour. How they can not even be ordered a glass of water? Are they fighting inside? Both of the old men were too scary. What if they kill each other inside?"One of the waitresses looked at the closed door of the VIP cabin and mumbled worriedly.

"Yes. It is really too scary. I even tried to eavesdrop on their discussion. But could not get a single word."Another waitress said in a low voice.

"Listen, I had a glance at them some moments ago. I...I think the two old men were just staring at each other.I heard that both of them are big businessmen of the city T."A waiter whispered.

"Who are they?"