Mr. Landlord


"Hello, Nina, where are you? As Nina Anderson get off the bus, she got a call from Mr Mark San.

" I just got off the bus. Where are you right now?"Nina Anderson asked.

"I am waiting outside of your house for a long time already. Did not you tell me that you come back home at this time?"

"Oh. I am sorry.I am late as today a few customers arrived at the last moment. I will reach there within ten minutes. Please wait a little bit more."Nina Anderon replied and hung up the call.

      She walked to her home as fast as she can.

"I am here. Sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time."Nina Anderson said in a guilty tone and opened the door of the house.

"It's ok Nina. You need not say sorry. I can wait for you forever."Mr Mark San said with a smile.

"Mark, don't try to speak in a flirtatious way. You know what would be the result of that.I don't want you to wait for me forever."Nina Anderson rolled her eyes and said.