Of course I am brave

"Kate, go to table number five. A guest is asking for a waiter.I am busy with table number four and six."As Kate was about to enter the waiting room to find Nina Anderson, a waiter asked her to go near the guests.

"Oh ok."She replied and left the place.

          When she came again to the waiting room to search for Nina Anderson, she was already gone.

"Oh, God! She is already there. What if she is in danger? Should I go there and see? But what if the guests are not bad people? They might not dangerous as I think. If I try to go there, and they are here only for having their lunch, then would not I be in a problem? The manager would not let me go easily if I create any problem here. No, I will not go there.  ."She mumbled and entered the kitchen.

        Inside the VVIP cabin, four people were sitting and chatting among themselves. Nina Anderson knocked on the door.

"Come in."She heard someone's voice from inside.