What are you doing ?

After Kate left, James Thsomosm was lost in deep thought. He came back to the present to hear his mobile ring non -stop. He pulled out the mobile from his pocket and saw the caller ID. It was Peter Carter.

"Hello."He replied.

"Hello, boss.I got the information you have asked for. Four people came booked the VVIP cabin of the 'The Taste' restaurant. All of them are regular customers of Mr. Derrick Addison. They paid a large amount of money to Mr. Derrick Addison for her.I.......I mean he sold her to them to take revenge on her."Peter Carter said with hesitation. James Thomson clutched his mobile phone tightly in anger.

"Where are they right now?"James Thomson asked in a cold tone. That tone was such cold that Peter Carter felt a cold shiver passed through his spine. He could not utter a single word for a moment.

"Peter Carter, where are they right now?"Peter Carter came back to his senses to hear his boss's voice.