I liked it

         Nina Anderson and James Thomson wake up already together. As soon as they opened their eyes both of them lost in each other's eyes. It was Nina Anderson who came back to her senses 

"I... I am sorry Mr Thomson, I ... I was scared and could not sleep. That's why I...I ....."Nina Anderson wanted to speak something, but James Thomson stopped her.

"Nina, you need not explain anything to me. I liked it." He said and pulled her towards him and kissed her on her lips.

Nina Anderson was stunned to see to find herself again in his embrace. She pushed him and tried to get up, but how can he let go of her that easily?

"Please don't move to let me hold you for some time ."He mumbled and held her more tightly. At that time her mobile phone rang.

"My.....my phone." She uttered. He let her go. She picked up her mobile from the table and accepted the call. It was Mr Mark San.

"Hello, Mark." Nina Anderson accepted the call and said.