You failed again

"What! You failed again?"Mr. Derrick Addison yelled at his men who just returned empty- handed from city R.

"Boss, we tried to enter her house. But her house was surrounded by a few guards. When we wanted to enter, they did not let us go in. We tried our best. But it was not easy for us to cross the gate. The guards she hired were very strong."The man said.

"What! How is this possible? Have you asked the neighbors? Is she really live in that place? How can she hire the guards, when she is already unemployed? You must have mistaken. You must have tried to enter someone else's place."Mr. Derrick Addison said in an angry tone.

"They have not done any mistake. In fact, they were in the correct place earlier."Mr. Derrick Addison was stunned to hear his best friend's voice behind him. It was Mr. Tonny. He was also Mr. Derrick Addison's business partner.