I want to accompany you

"Nina, please open the door. Please come out. You have not even had your breakfast. Are you still angry?"James Thomson knocked at Nina Anderson's door for the fifth time. She has not been come out of her room since last night.

"I don't want to come out. You should go to your work."Nina Anderson said in an angry tone from inside.

"Nina, please give me a chance o explain it.I know that I should not have hidden this from you. Please, Nina. Please come out. It is already time to visit Mr. Lin.Please ........"James Thomson could not complete his sentence, as Nina Anderson already opened the door .

"Thank you Nina for giving me a chance to explain myself.I.........."James Thomson wanted to speak something but stopped to hear Nian Anderson's words.

"Who has given you a chance? I come out as my father is waiting for me ."Nina Anderson said and left the place and forwarded  towards the bathroom.