What is she trying to hide?

"Has she hung up already?"Mr. Martin asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes. But how can she hang up like that? Should not she explain her whereabout properly? And should not she call Mr. Thomson instead of me? Is she avoiding Mr. Thomson?"Mr. Peter Carter uttered thoughtfully.

"Yes. You are right. As you told that Mr. Thomson has left his mobile in the office, she at least asked you about his mobile. How can she reach home after missing more than twelve hours? I think it is weird."Mr. Martin asked in a confused tone.

"Yes. I feel something fishy here. She hung up the call without speaking much. I think she is trying to hide something from us."Peter Carter said and lost in thoughts.

"But what is she trying to hide from us? Is someone blackmailing her? Mr. Martin, whatever it is we must find out the matter as soon as possible. I think young Miss is in danger."Mr. Martin said in a worried tone.