- The final test

*Lorenzo's point of view*

I'm expecting a phone call from my father. I sat in my red velvet chair, and kept staring at my phone, waiting for the phone to ring.

''What do you mean, you don't know?'' she questioned, with an innocent look in her eyes.

She asked me, if I saved her life, and I told her ''I don't know.'' And I was telling the truth, I really don't know. That's why this phone call is so damn important.

''I'll let you know as soon as I've talked with someone. So I will kindly ask you, to just calm the fuck down?'' I could have handled that better, but she was getting on my nerves. She had no idea how bad this whole situation could turn out, the poor soul had no fucking idea.

She gasped silently, and opened her mouth to protest, but quickly looked away. She knew that it was better to keep her mouth shut.

What's taking my father so fucking long? He surely wasn't shy sending Dante to the club, only for my uncle to punch me right in the face. After he interrupted my – maybe slightly aggressive – meeting with Dimitri, he fucking hit me, at the exact same spot that Dimitri threw a punch, right below my damn eye. I don't blame the fellah, he had to.

The guys were watching, and I know he couldn't treat me any different just because I'm the bosses' son.

But it was still shitty, and I feel shitty. Not only am I hangover, which I really fucking hate, but I'm also stuck with a girl who may be at fault for something bad in the future. But I really don't know yet. And I hate that I didn't, I hate not being in control.

I was interrupted from my thought flow, as the phone rang.

''Lorenzo. You need to come down to the headquarters now. Don't bring the girl. Be here in 30 minutes.''

The line went dead.

I got up, straightened my shirt and walked to the kitchen. I needed a gin as a cure for my hangover, but also to gain my strength. I had a terrible feeling in my gut, that something was wrong.

I returned to my bedroom.

''I have to go into town, stay here.'' She looked up, and had a scared look in her eyes. I must have looked eerie. I could feel the heat burning inside of me, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself, if she chose not to corporate.

I hated that I was the reason behind the fear in her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes. Even though she looked worn out and a little messy, she was still one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. No fucking doubt about it.

''What is it that you aren't telling me? And why do you have a black eye?'' – '' Can't I just go home?'' she added, as she got up.

''It's best if you don't know. I will tell my maid to cook something for you. Just… stay in here. And don't walk out on the balcony, it's important that you stay the fuck inside. Got it?''

She walked towards me. The little black silky dress that she was wearing suited her so perfectly. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave, there were a thousand other things I would do instead. Things that girls like Adrena could only dare to dream about. ''Can I at least get your name?'' she asked.

''My name is Lorenzo.''

''My name is Adrena. Nice to meet you, Lorenzo –'' she stretched her arm forward, and we shook hands. I don't think I've ever shook hands with a woman who stayed the night, before.

I informed Simona, my maid about her presence. She promised that she would take good care of her, while I was gone.

Downstairs, Ricky the driver was already waiting. Ricardo wasn't waiting inside the car this time. I scanned the street quickly, before I got in. We drove through Brooklyn, and I couldn't get Adrena off my mind.

Now that I had the chance to calm down, I began to think about the way she handled it all so far, she was so… mature, yet restrained. There was something about her eyes and behavior that made me wonder if this wasn't her first time handling difficult situations.

Any other girl I've met would have balled their fucking eyes out, or tried to fight me. But not Adrena. She surely is a stranger, and yet, she feels so familiar.

We arrived at the headquarters twenty minutes later. Ricky opened the door for me without looking me in the eyes. Usually he smiles or at least have the fucking decency to make eye contact.

''Lorenzo – please, come in.'' My father waited by the door, and greeted me as I entered. Several guards stood lined up all across the hall. They all had the same dead stare, and looked out into nothingness as we walked by.

There was a tension in the air, and without second guessing, I knew something really fucking depressing was about to happen. As we made it to the end of the hall, a different guard opened the door for us. He only looked at my father as we walked in.

Our office was crowded. The long wooden mahogany table, that could host 10 people, was almost full. Only two chairs were empty.

''Sit-'' my father commanded, as he pulled out one of the two empty chairs. I seated, and poured myself a glass of gin. I glanced at Ricardo who sat across from me. His eyes were red and they looked puffy. Has he been fucking crying?

I was facing the rest of the invited guests, and greeted them all. My cousins Johnny, Vincent and Mario were there, the rest wasn't blood related. I also noticed our consigliere Dominick was here. He's our advisor, and I only see him when things are really fucking serious. I hate to admit it, but the ambience made me edgy.

''Everyone, please sit,'' my father said, standing by the end of the table. The sound of chairs being pushed in filled the room.

''Now that everyone is here, let's talk about our current.. situation.'' He continued, as everyone was seated.

He must have been either tired or hungover, cause one chair was still empty. And the most important part of a 'family' meeting, is to wait until everyone is seated. Once, we waited fourteen hours, because Mario missed his flight. Fucking idiot.

''Pedro?'' – I always call him by his name. ''Yes Lorenzo?''

''Why are you starting the meeting, when clearly one is missing?'' It wasn't until then, that I realized who's seat it was – my uncle Dante's.

''That seat is Dante's.'' he replied, without looking at me. He clenched his fist.

''Why aren't we waiting for him then?''

He lit his cigar with a match and bottomed a glass of gin.

''Because he Is dead, Lorenzo. Now shut the fuck up and listen.''

I scanned the room to try and catch a glimpse of someone who couldn't keep the serious face. It had to be a joke – sometimes my father has a pretty dark humor. But no one burst out laughing. I looked at Ricardo, and spotted a tear gliding down his chin. He was crying.


Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck! No-no-no-no, this can't be real. I saw him last night?

''Lorenzo, get you're shit together, we don't have time to act like little girls'' my father said. This time he looked straight at me. It wasn't until then that I noticed, that I was trembling uncontrollably. The glass with gin in my hand was almost empty, only because I was so shaken up that I spilled it. There was gin all over the table.

I also felt pain in my thigh and looked down, and discovered that my right hand had taken a firm grip around my thigh. I could feel the heat inside of me burning, I was stepping into the 'red state of mind' yet again, same as last night and I couldn't control it.

My breath speeded up, and my pupils widened. My uncle Ricardo looked up at stretched his hand along the table, towards me.

''Please, Lorenzo. Don't.. Not now, please.'' He begged, as he could see how the anger inside of me was about to win.

''T-th-this must be a joke, right? Of course Dante isn't dead, he's just late. Probably just in bed with his wife, no?'' I pleaded with an uncomfortable smile, as I poured myself a new glass of gin.

''No, no jokes this time son. He is dead, and that's all there is to say about that. But there is something else.'' My father responded. Everyone else at the table looked down. Some played with the glasses in their hands, others wiped their tears away.

I couldn't cry. I was shaken up, I was sad and I felt fucking miserable. But I couldn't cry, I've only cried once in my life, and I promised myself never to cry again. I can't have that sort of weakness in my veins. I am destined to take over the mob when my father can no longer continue, and he is a tough one to replace. He too never cries.

My father got up, and began walking around the table as he spoke. ''Lorenzo, you know that I love you son. You are one of the strongest, bravest and smartest fuckers I've ever known. But you are also stupid. When you decided to assault Dimitri last night, one of your friends texted Dante – because they were afraid that you would lose. I was there when he got the text, and I told him to go, but I was aware that you wouldn't lose – I know my son. But two mistakes were made that night. When you left the club with the girl, Dante stayed and called the spring-cleaning crew. You know, someone had to get rid of all the blood from the two russies who was laying lifeless on the ground. And this is where we find the first mistake. You killed someone Lorenzo, because you couldn't control your temper.''

''I didn't mean to kill Dimitri, I was just teaching him a fucking lesson, that jackoff was about to r*pe the girl!'' I shouted. My hands were shaking of pure fury.

My father raised his voice: ''Not Dimitri, you fucking idiot. The other guy… - what was his name again?''

- ''Igor, sir.'' Vincent answered politely.

''Wait, I didn't even touch Igor!'' I shouted.

''That doesn't matter Lorenzo, you started it. Dimitri isn't dead, he is just badly injured. And now, because of you, Dante is dead. Because of your fucking stupidity, Dante went to talk with d'yavol's leader, to try and sort things out. Did you forget about last year?''

What is he talking about? Nothing happened last year.

''Last year, Dante killed Semion because he laid hands on Dante's wife. And they keep a record, same as we do. A brother for a brother. They have been planning for over a year now, to kill Dante.''

A silence filled the room. I didn't know what to say. Knowing that my uncles death was my fault haunted me.

''I will take care of it.'' I mumbled, without knowing myself, what I meant by that.

''The meeting is now adjourned. Can you all just get the fuck out?'' my father stated. He aggressively ran his fingers through his long curly hair, bottomed his glass and took a drag of his cigar.

Everyone got up, without saying a word. I walked towards the door, with my head full of thoughts.

''Not you Lorenzo. I'd like to have a little chat with you, son.''

I caught the stares that were given by my cousins. They looked both miserable and furious. I bet they hate me, but I didn't give a shit right now.

Everyone left, and my father closed the door behind them, leaving us alone in the room. I seated myself across the table.

''How do you plan on solving this?'' my father asked. He played with his beard, and had a strange look on his face.

I thought for a second. I had no fucking idea on how to solve this, I wasn't at all prepared for this. Dimitri and Igor deserved to die, there's no fucking doubt. Why am I being punished for trying to do something good for a change?

What would my grandfather Matteo do, in this situation? He surely wouldn't just give up, that's for sure. Real men fight. And real men don't just settle for something as fucking idiotic as 'a brother for a brother'. We're the fucking Italian mafia for fucks sake, not some little girls who's fighting about who stole who's boyfriend.

''Lorenzo! I asked you, how do you plan on solving this?'' he shouted. He got little wrinkles in his forehead, that only appeared when he was really upset.

''Why do we settle for this? Those motherfuckers killed Dante! He killed Semion because he laid his dirty fingers on Alberta. I tried to kill Dimitri, because he tried to fucking r*pe an innocent girl. Should I just have acted like nothing? What kind of man, beside cowards, would be that evil?''

''You tried to do the right thing, I don't doubt that. But you should have used your mind, instead of trying to act heroic. Girls get r*ped every single day, and you can't save them all. Why this girl? What's so special about her, that she was worth the life of my brother?''

''I didn't know that she would be at fault for my uncles death! I, I just thought-''

''Yeah, you just thought. Well, you didn't, Lorenzo. You didn't think. I'll ask you one last time, how do you plan on solving this? And if you don't answer me now, god help me, I will-''

I interrupted him, and belted: ''I will fucking kill Dimitri, and everyone else who was involved. I'll go home right now, pick up my gun and then I will shoot them right between the eyes. They deserve to be tortured, and i'll paint the russian flag with their fucking blood!"

My blood was pumping through my veins in such a speed, that I almost lost my vision. I could only see red, and the only thing on my mind was murder.

My father started laughing, he was mocking me. I pushed the chair away from the table, and walked towards him in fury – I only managed to walk half way before he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I stopped abruptly.

''Son, you know I can't kill you. But I won't think twice about shooting you right in the knee. Now, sit the fuck down!''

I stood for a second, and walked back to my seat. I bottomed another glass of gin, and felt the alcohol work its way through my blood. I placed a cigarette between my lips and lit it. The nicotine calmed my nerves a little.

''You can't kill them, murder isn't always the answer. If you were smart, you would have asked me about what happened last night. I will tell you, and you will listen.''

I rested my sweaty palms on the table, and took a deep breath.

''It was Semions brother who killed Dante. And I don't blame him for that, Dante knew it would happen someday. But because of Igor's death, we still owe them.''

He paused as he scratched his black beard.

''Then I'll go over there, and they can kill me – no one else is at fault but me.'' I hissed, knowing he wouldn't allow it.

''We thought about that – me and the guys. But I can't do that, unfortunately, I love you too much. You are my son. To my surprise, that's not what they wanted either.''

I looked up. ''What do they want, then?''

''You see, they believe that you kidnapped Dimitri's girlfriend.''

''She's not his girlfriend? What the fuck?''

''Calm down, Lorenzo! Fuck. That's not the point, they think that she is. And Dimitri wants her. And you'll give her to them. Cause if you don't, then you will be eating alone.''

''And what if I do give her to them?''

He hesitated. ''Then I'll hand over my position to you. It's time, son. I am too old to run this business, and I planned months ago, that I would make you the boss. But then you fucked it all up last night. This is your final test.''

  1. Eating alone means that Lorenzo will be excluded from the family / the mafia, if he doesn't succeed.