- What a hero

**Lorenzo's point of view** 

Why did the 46 miles between Brooklyn and New Jersey suddenly seem so fucking long? I was driving way too fast, and my sweaty hands were seconds away from gliding of the steering wheel. I noticed the visible veins on my hands.

I knew that I was about to make my second terrible mistake, in my attempt to rescue Adrena. Funny how both of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, includes her. She's trouble, and still, here I am driving right to hell, just to save her from it.

I had to take my own car, it was too risky to involve Ricky. This is my first time driving this car, even though I bought it a month ago. It's a brand new Maserati, so it's not exactly unnoticeable. But it drives faster than the fucking wind, so I had to take it. I called Jones – my FBI mole – before I drove.

I told him that I needed to be free from police and that I couldn't be pulled over, because I had somewhere to be in a hurry. So he noted in the police's system, that my car was a police's car – easy. Now the only thing that could stop me, was a bullet through my skull.

I was near New Jersey, when my phone rang. The display exposed who it was – my father. If I ignored the phonecall, then he would send someone to my apartment, and I wouldn't risk that – since I'm not home, and probably should be. So I picked up.

''Lorenzo, where are you?'' he asked calmly.

''I'm home, why?'' I replied, while I speeded down, so he couldn't hear that i was driving.

''Why? Because I know you are lying, Lorenzo. One of my men just saw you running towards your car in a hurry. Where are you going son?'' He still sounded calm, but I knew that he did that to intimidate me.

''Okay, I needed to go for a drive. This whole Dante thing really hit me, so I needed some time to think.''

He went silent for a couple of seconds. ''Are you sure that you're not on your way to pick up the girl?''

Damn, he was good. I had to lie, otherwise the whole Italian mafia would have me surrounded within thirty minutes. ''Of course not, I'm not a fucking idiot. I couldn't give less shits about the girl, she's already forgotten. Look – I'm just taking my new car for a spin. I am mourning, just like you, remember?''

I wasn't sure if he believed me, but he wished me a great trip and hung up. It wasn't too late for me to turn around and go home, no damage has been done yet. As I waited by a traffic light, right next to the sign ''Welcome to New Jersey'', I thought about turning around. I could be home in an hour, and continue with my everyday life – and become the don not to mention, which has been my biggest dream since I was a kid.

''I don't cry for you, Lorenzo, I cry for the girl. You and your father doesn't deserve the love I give you, you don't deserve good women.''

My mother's words haunted me. And I knew she was right, I would never deserve love, if I didn't rescue Adrena. Maybe I wanted to save her, out of complete selfishness, maybe it was just my none existent conscience that finally announced it's arrival. Whatever the reason behind my mission was, I knew it had to be done.

So I continued, driving through New Jersey. I was only ten minutes away from Millburn, and I could feel the adrenaline inside of me was about to kick in. I knew it wouldn't be easy. And I knew that I could die trying to safe her, but I had to take that risk. It's the only right thing to do.

Why do I know Dimitri's address, you might ask? Well, I'm glad you did. You see – just because we Italians hate the russies, that doesn't mean that we aren't speaking. In fact, we've spoken plenty. It's a common rule, that the two leaders from each mafia keeps In touch, so things like this won't happen. This is some of the strangest relationships I've ever encountered. My father has been having dinners with Ivan, the leader of D'yavol. I guess the saying ''keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'' does make fucking sense, after all.

So I guess you can imagine just how much shit I'm in – when I go get Adrena, I might have to 'defend' myself, meaning pulling out my gun. And if I kill anyone, then we've got more bodies on our bank account that we then owe to the russies.

And if we say that I don't kill anyone, I still broke my promise. And Ivan will tell my father, who will then cut me off. And then I'm alone, meaning no protection, and I know that there's a few fella's out there, who would like to see my head on a stick. But I made my bed, and now I'm the one who's gonna fucking lie in it.

As I arrived to Millburn, the only impression I got, was how depressing it looked. To think that it was so close to Manhattan was crazy, given how excluded it seemed. I started driving slower, so I wouldn't draw to much attention. I've already caught a few people staring at my car – guess they aren't used to seeing such a sweet car in this neighborhood.

I arrived to Dimitri's house, but decided to park behind it, so he didn't get a head start.

Before I stepped out of my car, I made sure that my gun was loaded. I hid it in my pants, behind my back and hided it with my suit jacket. I lighted a cigarette, so I could calm my nerves a little before show time.

I threw the finished cigarette in his well-preserved rose garden, and made sure to smear a few roses as I did it. I used the back entrance to get in – didn't really feel like ringing a door bell today.

It wasn't locked. Guess Dimitri isn't paranoid at all, which came in handy. I walked in, and took a look around. Seems I walked straight into the living room. Not only are Dimitri an idiot, his decoration skills are horrible. The red curtains, carpets and those ridiculous paintings on the walls made me die of embarrassment on the inside.

I could hear sounds coming from the kitchen, so I knew that I wasn't alone. Instead of hiding, I decided to walk in – if it was Dimitri, then he wouldn't have time to find a weapon before I was done with him.

But it wasn't Dimitri. It was a huge woman, who was standing with her back to me. I was good at sneaking around without getting caught. I had my first experience as a seventeen year old, when I committed my first bank robbery – two million dollars, with no suspects.

The huge lady was cooking something, and was singing along with a Russian song, that was playing in the radio. Can't lie, it smelled fucking amazing.

''Whatcha' cooking?'' I asked calmy. She jumped, and turned around with a wooden spoon in her hand. She aimed it towards me and yelled: ''who are you!''

I laughed, and walked towards her with confident steps. I gave her my biggest smile, and I could see that she lightened up, as she saw my incredible white teeth – didn't mean to brag, but come on, is it really that easy?

''I'm John – Dimitri's friend. He invited me over for dinner.''

She smiled and I could see her blush. With her big manly hands, she tucked some of her hair behind her ears.

''Never heard of a friend named John. You don't look like any of Dimitri's other friends.''

''I know. Guess it was time for him to finally find a handsome friend, don't you agree?'' I replied with a cheeky smile. She laughed and nodded.

I continued: ''Speaking of Dimitri – any idea of where I could find him?''

She thought for second, and fixed her red apron before she said: ''He's downstairs, with his girlfri-''

Someone behind us interrupted our friendly conversation by coughing impatiently. I turned around, and met a face I haven't seen before.

''Who are you?'' the man asked. He was tall, muscular and had black hair. He was wearing jeans, a green shirt and a black denim jacket on top. What is it with these people and bad taste?

''This is John! One of Dimitri's friends'' the huge woman naively replied. I gave her a smile, before I turned my head back to the stranger.

''Dimitri doesn't have a friend named John. Come with me-'' he said, as he pulled up his shirt, and showed me the gun he had strapped to his belt. I raised my hands up high, and acted surprised. The woman gasped, and took a step back.

''No need to be jealous, I'm sure he loves you more than me.'' I said, as I walked towards him, still with my hands raised.

''Shut up! Let's take this outside, no need to involve Petra.'' Of course her name is Petra. She actually does look like a Petra.

''Okay! Nice to meet you Petra,'' I replied, as I winked at her. She blushed again, but still had a frightened look on her face.

We left the kitchen, and stood facing each other, in the living room. Before I had a chance to talk, two more men walked in. They actually all looked the same, so I figured that they were related.

''Aw, I thought I was the only one invited!'' I added, with a disappointed face.

They began talking with each other in a foreign language, probably Russian, cause it sounded horrible. A minute later, one of the two new arrivals spoke up, and said;

''I know who you are! You are Lorenzo, the son of Pedro. Wow, didn't know it would be that easy to kill you, but I guess god's having a good day.''

I lowered my hands, but was forced to raise them up again, as the man in the green shirt pulled out his gun and aimed it at me.

''Wow-wow-wow guys, relax! Yes, I'm Lorenzo, not John – didn't mean to lie, but you can't really trust anyone, right? Anyways, my father just called me and told me that Ivan wanted me to talk with Dimitri about last night. See-'' I showed them my call list from my phone, as prove.

They all looked confused, and I had to restrain myself from not dying of laughter.

''We heard about last night. You motherfuckers killed Igor!'' he shouted, as he walked towards me.

''Yes, that's why I'm here! I know who killed Igor, and I'm here to give Dimitri his address. Now calm the fuck down, will you?''

He took a deep breath, and lowered his gun.

''Thank you,'' I added as I continued: ''now, where is Dimitri?''

''He's with his new girlfriend. He'll be up in a second,'' he replied, before the three of them burst out in laughter and began talking loudly with eachother in Russian. I didn't have to know the language to understand, that they were talking about Adrena. Didn't need a translation – she was in danger.

They weren't focusing on me anymore, because of their own stupid amusement, so now was my chance. I quickly pulled out my gun, and aimed it at all three of them. A couple of seconds went by, before they noticed. Of course their response was, to pull out their guns too.

''I'm only gonna say this once – leave this house now, or I will kill you. And I promise you, I won't hesitate shooting all three of you right through the skull if I have too.''

I knew that I was outnumbered, and I knew that I only got one chance.

''If you shoot one of us, then the two that are left will kill you, idiot. You didn't think this through!'' one of them yelled.

I noticed the huge vase that stood next to me. I lowered my gun, and drew a sight. ''I'm so sorry. You're totally right, I didn't think this through. Are you going to kill me?'' I asked.

''Of course we are. Are your brain made of parmesan?'' one of them shouted, which made the two others laugh. That was actually a good one – brain made of parmesan. I have to write that one down.

Quickly, I kicked the vase so it shattered into a thousand pieces. It distracted them just enough for me to aim my gun, and shoot two of them. The third one, the one in the green shirt, quickly shot at me, but missed. I jumped behind the couch, and waited for him to make a move.

Petra was standing by the door and screamed as loud as her lungs could manage. I aimed my gun at her, and told her to shut up. She ran through the living room, and hit the pieces of porcelain that was laying on the floor. She wasn't wearing any shoes, so she screamed in pain as one of the pieces was now stuck in her foot.

''Fucking great,'' I mumbled, as I tried to figure out my next move. Dimitri would be here any minute, so I had to think fast. The two I just shot, was laying lifeless on the ground in a pool of their own blood, but the third one was missing.

''Konstantin, please help me!'' Petra yelled. I noticed that she was looking towards one of the red curtains. And then I saw movement behind it. I quickly got up, and aimed at it. Two shots. Bam.

The guy in the green shirt, apparently his name was Konstantin, pulled the curtain down with him, as he fell.

''Monster!'' Petra cried. I ran out into the kitchen, and found a first aid kid, that I threw at her. ''Here - now shut up, and stay there!'' I ran past her, down the hallway as I heard something down in the basement.

I knew I had to be fast, soon this whole place would be packed with russies. I quickly made my way down the stairs, with my gun aimed forward. The lights down in the basement was off, but I could see something moving in the shadows.

''Hello Lorenzo.'' Someone whispered. I immediately recognized his voice.


''Hey there, Dimitri. Be a doll and step out of the light, will ya?'' i said, while I tried to catch my breath. Not long after, Dimitri walked out. He had been hiding behind a couple of old boxes. He was smiling, but looked terrible – I recognized the coin sized wound in his forehead.

''I'm guessing that you're here for your girlfriend?'' he asked calmly.

''Something like that. So now, please show me where she is?'' I gave him an ironic smile.

''She's right in there-'' he said, as he pointed towards the door behind him. ''But I don't think she wants to see you. Oh, you are a bad man Lorenzo. I mean, I thought I was evil, but you –'' he pointed at me ''-you are something else!''

''Thank you, I'm flattered. Have you touched her?''

He laughed, and ran his fingers through his hair. ''Only when she wanted to. And she's just as bad as we are, Lorenzo. She's a naughty-''

I pulled the tricker and shot him twice, one bullet in each knee. I knew I couldn't kill him, it would be the third and probably stupidest mistake I'd make if I did. But I had to do something that would make him shut up. He screamed in agony, and fell straight to the floor.

''I thought I already told you this dear Dimitri – we don't treat women like that. I thought that the bruises and wounds that covers your body would remind you of that. But of course, dogs can't learn new tricks.''

I made sure to step on him, as I walked past him towards the door. It was locked from the outside. There wasn't any sounds coming from behind the door, so I wasn't sure if she really was in there.

I opened it, and carefully stepped inside.

''Adrena, are you here?'' I whispered, after spending a couple of second scanning the room. No answer.

''It's me, Lorenzo. Please, come out if you're here, we really need to leave, now!''

I then heard a raddling sound from underneath the bed. I aimed my gun at it, as I kneeled down. A second later, I saw her.

''Adrena!'' I ran towards the bed, and quickly flipped it over, so she could come out. She was lying on her stomach, which gave me full view of her back. It was stained in blood.

''Get away from me!'' she yelled, while her hands were covering her ears and her head looking down. She was shaking and I could tell that something had frightened her – not really a surprise, given her circumstances.

''Adrena please. I'm here to help you – if you could just listen for one second-''

She finally looked up, but it wasn't friendly eyes that met mine, they looked furious.

''Help? Help who? Me? The girl you just dumped here? I'm not going anywhere with you!'' she cried.

''Baby, I'm so sorry, I know I fucked up. But I'm here now and i-''

''DON'T call me baby! You didn't just fuck up, you threw me away like a piece of trash.'' She struggled, but managed to pull herself up. I tried to help her, but she hissed ''don't'' at me, so I withdrew my hands.

''I want nothing else from you, than for you to get me home safe. Can I trust that you do that?'' she asked. I could see that she was in a lot of pain.

Now – what happens next may or may not surprise you. But I had to lie, once again. If I told her, while standing in the enemies basement, that she could never go home again, then I don't think we would get out alive – or at least I wouldn't. So I played an act, and told her that:

''I promise that you can trust me. I'll take you home. Come-'' I reached out for her hand, but she declined my offer. She halted as she walked out the door but kept a straight face. Tears still rolled down her eyes, but I could tell that she tried to hide it.

Outside the room, Dimitri was still lying on the ground, with his hands on both his knees, in an attempt to stop the massive bleeding. Adrena's eyes widened for a second. I wouldn't have guessed or even imagined what she did next. She kicked him, right in his stomach and spat on his face.

''Your face would look so much better hanging from the ceiling, than from that fucking disgusting painting. I hate you.''

Wow, didn't see that one coming. I'm almost… proud? Strong girl, that one. I couldn't help but smile.

''Come on, he'll get what he deserves.'' I said, as I looked down at him. He was in so much pain, that he couldn't talk back. What a pity.

As we arrived to the living room, Adrena led out a scream. The three men I shot still laid on the ground, probably dead. Petra was gone, I figure she went to the hospital to fix her wounded foot.

I hushed at Adrena, who looked pale and fucking terrified. I pointed at the backdoor, the one I came in from, and signaled that she had to sneak out. She understood immediately, and walked with careful steps, towards the door. I was right behind her. I wasn't sure if we were alone, and by any circumstances, it wouldn't be long before someone got the memo and came running.

We walked through the garden. I unlocked my car with my car keys, and pointed towards it, to tell Adrena where it was. She didn't seem impressed at all by my car, which honestly disappointed me a little.

Adrena was standing with her arms crossed next to the car, while i opened her door. She didn't look happy, and I could see how much pain she was in.

''Go sit inside the car'' I ordered.

She went to open the door, but was interrupted by a loud noise – someone was running straight in our direction, from the garden.

Four men, all dressed in black ran towards us, while shouting something in Russian.

''Go Adrena, GO!'' I yelled, as I quickly got inside the car. She closed her own door. ''Get down!''

One of the men aimed his gun right at us, but I knew I couldn't hide in here, so instead I quickly started the car and pressed the accelerator as hard as I could. A shot was fired the second the car started. We flew forward, as I cursed into my steering wheel. ''Fuck, he hit me! Fuck-fuck-fuck!''

''What? Lorenzo, are you hurt?'' Adrena asked concerned. Her voice was shaking.

I tightened my grip around the wheel and bit into my lower lip in pain. He shot me straight in the shoulder, and I could feel my blood pumping, as it made its way out the wound.

''Pull over! We need to get you some help!'' she yelled, while she frantically searched for something in the car.

''What are you looking for?'' I snapped. I tried as hard I could, not to lose it, but the pain was about to win. I could feel everything inside me was boiling, and I was seconds away from turning the car and drive straight back to the house. I wanted to punish those motherfuckers so badly, that they wish they stayed in Russia.

''Something to stop the bleeding!'' she panicked.

''I'll survive. Just… calm down will you?'' I clenched my jar, and looked straight ahead.

''Okay. Just drive me home.'' She mumbled.

I drew a sight.

''You can't going home, Adrena.''