- Motel Philadelp-inn

**Adrena's point of view**

An hour later, we arrived to Philadelphia. I've never been there before, so I spent the time driving through the first part of the city, with curious eyes stuck to the window. Lorenzo looked at me every now and then, with a little smile.

I had no idea where we were going, and it excited me a little. It reminded me of Naomi's surprise weekends. She would spend weeks planning a whole weekend, without ever losing her poker face, even If I begged her to tell me where we were going. It made me smile, to think about her.

Ten minutes later, Lorenzo took a left turn, and parked outside a motel. It looked exactly how I imagined a motel to look like, from what I've seen in movies. It had three floors, and small staircases that led to every floor. The grey concrete was painted with a cheap black paint, and was about to fall off, at several spots. A huge ''Motel Philadelph-inn'' neon sign stood tall, from a huge pole.

''Wow, it looks… hospitable'' I mumbled. Lorenzo was already on his way out of the car, with one leg still inside it.

''Trust me when I say, that I would much rather spoil you with a nice hotel, but we can't do something that noticeable.'' He had a disgusted look on his face, as he glanced at the building that stood ahead. He grabbed the bag from the back of the car, before we left.

We walked in, and was greeted by an stereotypical American man – he was overweight, with a thick black moustache above his upper lip.

''Welcome to Motel Philadelphi-inn, how are you?'' he said, with a big warming smile.

''We're good. I'd like to book a room for two nights, for me and my wife.'' Lorenzo replied.

The man looked at me, as he continued: ''I believe that's possible. We have a honeymoon inspired room, if that is something that falls in your taste?''

I accidentally led out a giggle, and had to look at my feet, so I wouldn't die from shame.

Lorenzo cleared his throat. ''Just a normal room would be fine.''

The man took out a leather book, and got small wrinkles in his forehead, as he mumbled what was written, out loud.

''Ah, here it is. So, double bed, or two singles?''

Lorenzo thought for a second, and turned his head to me, as he said: ''double, please.''

''Alrighty, that's-''

I interrupted him, and took a step forwards towards him. ''Two beds, not a double.'' I looked at Lorenzo as I said it, with squinted eyes. He shook his head and laughed.

The man looked confused while he stroked his moustache. ''Okay… Two beds, for two nights. That'll be 150 dollars. Cash or card?''

Lorenzo took out his wallet, and revealed a stack of dollar bills. It wasn't until now, that I realized that he also paid in cash, at the diner.

''Cash,'' he said, as he carefully pulled out 200. ''The last fifty dollars is yours, if you keep our names off the chart. Deal?''

Clearly it wasn't the man at the motel's first time dealing with crooks, cause he quickly nodded, and replied with a satisfied smile: ''Deal.''

We got the keys, and our room number. I noticed a phonebooth, that stood on the opposite side of the street, while Lorenzo struggled with unlocking the door to the room. As he finally managed to open it, we stepped foot inside.

Two beds by each side of the room, with a small table between them, was the first thing that caught my eye. On the table, there was an ashtray, a candle and a bible – what more could I possibly need?

Across from the beds, a small flatscreen hang from the wall. Two tacky photos of painted trees hang from each side of the TV. The floor was made of dark blue carpet, and the bedding was orange. By the end of the room, was a door that led to the bathroom.

We stood by the door for about a minute, before we both burst out in laughter.

''This is what you get for 150 dollars'' Lorenzo joked, as he walked towards the bed that stood by the window. He took off his jacket, and folded it nicely, then laid it on the bed. I closed the door, and took off my shoes.

''What time is it?'' I asked, as I seated on my bed.

''17.13'' he replied as he glanced at his golden watch. He grabbed the plastic bag. He frowned as he opened it, and took out a bag of chips. He waved it in the air, as he exclaimed: ''is this.. yours?''

''Well, I knew you wouldn't buy such ''delicious'' snacks, so I had to take care of it myself.'' I got up, and reached for the bag he held up so high, that I couldn't reach. He seemed amused to tease me, as I tried to jump for it.

''Lorenzo! Give me the chips!'' I shouted, almost out of breath from the hopping.

''What if I refuse?'' he teased.

''Then I'll.. then I'll call the cops and throw you in jail!'' I yelled back, with an excited look on my face.

His facial expression changed. He lowered his hands and threw the chips towards my bed.

''Here. I'm going to take a shower.'' His voice was deeper than before, and he didn't seem amused anymore.

Was he being serious? It was literally a joke.

''Wait, are you mad at me or something?'' I asked, while crossing my arms.

He cleared his throat, and walked towards the bathroom without saying a word. I pulled his shirt, to stop him from walking any further. He turned around and revealed a furious pair of eyes.

''This isn't a joke Adrena. If you say something like that again, then god help me, I will fucking-''

I broke his sentence, and shouted: ''do what? Kill me? A little too late for that, don't you think? Come on Lorenzo, it was a joke! As I said in the car, I won't call the cops.'' I paused to take a few steps back. ''If we can't joke about it, then I'll die of boredom before you decide to kill me.''

A little smile appeared on his lips, but he didn't say anything. He went to the bathroom, and closed the door behind him. Seconds later, I could hear the water running.

I turned on the TV, and laid in my bed with the chips, while he was in the shower. It was nice to finally have a little free time. I was looking forward to my own shower, so I could cleanse the wound on my back properly.

After fifteen minutes, I grew impatient. What was taking him so long?

I got up, and snuck up to the bathroom door. The water was still running, but that wasn't all. Small muffled moans escaped the room, which made my eyes widened. Was he….


I decided to walk away to give him some privacy, but stopped, as I heard a loud groan. Seconds later, the water was turned off. I immediately ran back to my bed, got up and pretended I was there the whole time.

Lorenzo came out, wearing only a towel from his waist and down. His hair was wet, and drops of water were dripping down his face and body. I tried not to look, but damn.

''Are you blushing?'' he asked with a smirk, as he went for his bag. He pulled out a clean pair of boxers, a clean t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. He really came prepared. I didn't have any clothes besides what I was wearing.

''No! Put on some clothes, will you?'' I hissed back, as I turned my ahead away from him. Not only did the sight of his perfect abs make me blush, but the thought of him pleasuring himself in the shower, well that was something else.

''Can't control yourself if I don't?'' he teased. Seconds later, he removed the towel. He stood with his back to me, but I still gasped by the look of his naked body. His back muscles were incredibly heroic, and he looked like a Greek statue. Don't even get me started on his ass.

I've never had such fantasies about anyone before, and I was ashamed by my own thoughts.

''I'm gonna take a shower now,'' I shouted, as I ran to the bathroom. I could hear him laughing, as I slammed the door behind me. I spent a couple of minutes calming myself down, in front of the bathroom mirror.

The water running down my back, felt amazing. Despite the pain, it still managed to calm my nerves. A small soap, as well as shampoo and conditioner stood by the shower, probably from the motel. I closed my eyes, as I rinsed my hair. I used the soap all over my body, and massaged it into my skin, with gentle movements.

The warm and comforting water mixed with thoughts of Lorenzo touching himself, got me aroused. It hasn't even been that long – two weeks tops. But I gave in to the pleasure and stimulation, and used the showerhead to help me… release the tension. I had to cover my mouth with my hands, so he wouldn't hear my moans.

As I climaxed, it felt like a heavy rock was removed from my shoulders. It instantly gave me a feeling of relief and comfort. I washed the soap off, turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower. It felt like I was reborn – in a none-friendly biblical way.

I glanced at my pile of clothes that laid on the wet floor, and led out a sight. Is there anything worse, than to put wet AND dirty clothes back on, right after a nice shower? I don't think so.

I snuck my head out the door, while holding on tightly to my towel that covered me, and said:

''Lorenzo? Is there by any chance, some clothes for me in that bag-'' I pointed at It, and gave him a begging smile. He was laying on his bed, only wearing his grey sweats and a golden chain.

''Sure. Here-'' he said, as he took out a piece of fabric. ''Come and get it,'' he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, and went for it.

''Are you kidding me?'' I laughed, as I got it. In my hands, was a red silky dress, about the same length was the black one, he made me wear yesterday. He smiled with his teeth, as he said: ''Well, it's either that, or a pair of suit pants. I'm not at fault for the women's taste.''

''What do you mean by 'women's taste?' Is this.. is this your ex's clothes?'' I questioned, with a frown.

''No, nothing like that. Just my.. female friends, who spent the night. They're awfully forgetful, but it came in handy for you. Oh, and here-'' he handed me a red thong. ''Goes with the dress.'' He smirked.

''That's disgusting! Where's the suit pants?'' I questioned, while covering my body with the towel. My hair was dripping, and I was actually freezing.

With a disappointed look on his face, he took out a big blank t-shirt, and a pair of boxers. ''Here, you bore. Can't blame a man for trying''

I shook my head, and walked back to the bathroom to change. As I came back to the room, Lorenzo was still laying on his bed. It was getting dark outside, and I was insanely exhausted. The TV was running in the background, and I caught Lorenzo laughing at the current tv-show that was on. To my amusement, I discovered that it was Tom & Jerry, which only made his laughs funnier.

The t-shirt just about covered my butt, so I had to stretch it with my knees, as I seated on my bed.

I interrupted Lorenzo's childish laugh, by asking him: ''aren't you tired?''

He took a bite of his apple, and turned his head to me. ''Yeah, a little-'' he looked at his watch – ''but it's only 19.30.''

''So? We spent last night sleeping in a car, and we've not exactly had the most relaxing weekend. I think I'll go to bed, but you do you,'' I stated, as I snuck underneath the blanket. At least it smelled clean, but the orange did nothing good for my skin tone.

''You're probably right,'' he said, as he got up and doublechecked that the door was locked. Afterwards, he turned off the lights, and went back to bed. The curtains covered the windows completely, so the only light in the room, came from the TV.

I laid on my stomach, with my hands underneath the pillow, so I wouldn't irritate the healing wound. My hair was still soaking, but I didn't have the energy to go and dry it.

Lorenzo was sitting up, with his back resting on the bedframe. He'd taken off his grey sweats, and was now only wearing boxers. The blanket he had laid out on top, only covered half of them. It was almost meditative to lay there, and watch his muscular and tattooed chest going in and out, by each breath that he took. He looked like an actual painting, and how wished that I was a brush.

He moved a little, so I quickly closed my eyes, so he wouldn't notice me staring. A little while later, he turned off the TV, which left the room in complete darkness and silence.

I was thinking so loud, that I was afraid he'd hear me. Despite being exhausted, I still didn't feel at ease. My whole body was trembling, but I wasn't cold.

''Are you asleep yet?'' he whispered, in a deep and stern tone. I contemplated on whether to lie, or confess.

''No… Are you?'' I stupidly asked.

''No? If I was, I wouldn't ask you, would I?'' he teased. He couldn't see me, but if he could, he would be met by a rolling pair of eyes.

''Touché. Goodnight, Lorenzo'' I muttered, as I turned my head, so I no longer faced him. I could hear him adjusting several times, which told me that he couldn't sleep either.

''Adrena?'' he whispered.

''…. Yes Lorenzo?'' I whispered back, in an ironic impatient voice.

''Are you cold?''

''No, why?''

''I am. And this blanket doesn't do shit. Maybe I could co-''

I interrupted him, before he had time to finish the sentence. ''Then put on some more clothes. Perhaps the sweats that you carefully folded ten minutes ago?'' I teased.

''Nah, I have something better in mind,'' he said, as he got out of bed. I could hear footsteps coming towards me, and could feel my heart racing inside my chest. Seconds later, I could feel his warm chest against my back. With his wounded arm, he gently used it to pull me closer, while his lips was only a few inches away from the back of my neck.

''What do you think you're doing?'' I stuttered. Each time I could feel his warm breath on my neck, little goosebumps made their way down my spine. I felt stiff and calm at the same time, and wasn't able to move.

''I think you know. It's nice, isn't it?'' he whispered in my ear. A small moan escaped from my lips, and I instantly felt like dying of pure shame.

''Mhm. But we got two beds for a reason, Lorenzo. I'm not one of your usual girlfri-''

He grabbed my face with his hand, and turned it towards him. I didn't have time to finish my sentence, before he planted a kiss on my lips. I wanted to protest, but my body wanted otherwise.

He glided his arm down to my ass, and with one single movement, he managed to pull me up, so I was now on top of him. I gasped, as I could feel his erection underneath.

''You're so fucking hot Adrena, It's insane. Come here-'' he muttered, before he dragged my face down towards him, with his hands. He bit my lip, and led out a groan.

''Especially when you touch yourself. I heard you in the shower, and almost came just by the sound of your little moans. You're fucking perfect'' he added, as he placed his hands on my ass.